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Showing 20 pages using this property.
Abou Diwan, Georges (2012), "Le monnayage civique non daté de Sidon: Opportunisme civique et pragmatisme royal (169/8-111/0 av. J.-C.)", American Journal of Numismatic, 24, p. 91-121.  +
Abramzon, Mikhail G. - Novichikhin, Andrei M. - Saprykina, Irina A. - Smekalova, Tatiana N. (2021), A Hoard of Bosporan Didrachms from the Village of Fontalovskaya (IGCH 1143): The Mithridatic Wars Time Mercenaries' Salary?, Moscow, 2021.  +
Villaronga i Garriga, Leandre - Benages, Jaume (2011), Ancient Coinage of the Iberian Peninsula (Greek /Punic/Iberian/Roman), Barcelona, 801 p.  +
Albarède, Francis - Blichert-Toft, Janne - Gentelli, Liesel - Milot, Jean - Vaxevanopoulos, Markos - Westner, Katrin - Klein, Sabine - Birch, Thomas - Davis, Gillan - Callataÿ, François de (2020), “A miner’s perspective on Pb isotope provenances in the Western and Central Mediterranean,” Journal of Archaeological Science, 121, 105194, p. 1-14. (  +
Albarède, Francis - Callataÿ, François de - Debernardi, Pierluigi - Blichert-Toft, Janne (2021), “Model for ancient Greek and Roman coinage production”, Journal of Archaeological Science, 131, DOI 105406 (  +
Albarède, Francis - Blichert-Toft, Jane - Callataÿ, François de - Davis, Gilian - Debernardi, Pierluigi - Gentelli, Liesel - Gitler, Haim - Kemmers, Fleur - Klien, Sabine - Malod-Dognin, Chloé et al. (2021), “From commodity to money: the rise of silver coinage around the ancient Mediterranean (6th-1st century BCE),” Archaeometry, 63 (1), 2021, p. 142-155. (  +
Alexandropoulos, Jacques (2007), Les monnaies de l'Afrique antique (400 av. J.-C.-40 ap. J.-C.), Presses universitaires du Mirail, Toulouse, 507 p., 17 pl.  +
Allen, Joel (2007), "The Gold Coinage of Trajan Dated COS V", American Numismatic Journal, 19, p. 33-75.  +
Allotte de la Fuÿe, François-Maurice (1904), "Monnaies arsacides surfrappées", Revue Numismatique 4 (8), p. 174-196.  +
Alram, Michael (1986), Iranisches Personennamenbuch. Band IV: Nomina Propria Iranica In Nummis, Vienna.  +
Alram, Michael (1993), "Dareikos und siglos : Ein neuer schatzfund achaimenidischer sigloi aus kleinasien", Res Orientales, 5 (Rika Gyselen [ed.], Circulation des monnaies, des marchandises et des biens), p. 23-53.  +
Amandry, Paris (1984), "Le monnayage d'Amathonte", in Pierre Aupert and Marie-Christine Hellmann (eds.), Amathonte I. Testimonia. 1. Auteurs anciens - Monnayage - Voyageurs Fouilles - Origines - Géographie, Etudes chypriotes 4, Paris, p. 57-76, pl. 11-20.  +
Amandry, Michel (1989), "Les tétradrachmes à la couronne de feuillages frappés à Lébédos (Ionie)", in Georges Le Rider et al. (eds.), Kraay-Mørkholm Essays. Numismatic Studies in Memory of C. M. Kraay and O. Mørkholm, Louvain-la-Neuve, p. 1-7, pl. 1.  +
Amandry, Michel (1998), "Le monnayage de la Res Publica Coloniae Philippensium", in Ulrike Peter (ed.), Stephanos nomismatikos : Edith Schönert-Geiss zum 65. Geburtstag, Berlin, p. 23-31.  +
Michel. Amandry (1998), "A propos d'une monnaie de Sébastè en Phrygie frappée pour Septime Sévère, Caracalla et Géta en 198", in Richard Ashton and Silvia Hurter (eds.), Studies in Greek Numismatics in Memory of Martin Jessop Price, London, 1998, p. 1-4, pl. 1-2.  +
Andrade, Nathanael J. (2017), "The Silver Coinage of Syrian Manbog (Hierapolis-Bambyke)," American Journal of Numismatics, 2nd ser., 29, p. 1-46, pl. 1-5  +
Accettola, Anna (2023), "New owls : a die study of Sabaean imitations of Athenian "new style" owls", American Journal of Numismatics, 35, p. 33-107  +
Anokhin, Vladilen Afanasʹevich (1977), Monetnoe delo Khersonesa IV v. do n.ė. - XII v. n.ė (= Coinage in the Chersonesus area, IVth c. B.C. - XIIth c. A.D.), Kiev, Izd. "Naukova Dumka", p. 172, pl. 32.  +
Anokhin, Vladilen Afanasʹevich (1986), Monetnoe delo Bospora, Kiev, Naukova dumka, p. 178, pl. 40.  +
Anokhin, Vladilen Afanasʹevich (2011), Antique coins of the Northern Black Sea coastal region : catalog, Kiev, Izdatelʹskiĭ dom "Stilos", p. 326.  +