
Showing 20 pages using this property.
"overstruck on an issue of Amyntas III (HGC 3, 831), with the tail of the eagle and AMY visible on the obverse."  +
“Overstruck on uncertain type (likely an earlier issue Alexander from Tyre)”  +
"overstruck on a didrachm of Akragas (outline of crab visible on the obverse)"  +
"Overstruck on an earlier issue from Kyzikos (SNG Paris 436)"  +
"Overstruck on an earlier issue from Kyzikos of the 'Kore Soteira/Bull butting left' type (SNG Paris 436)"  +
"Overstruck on an earlier issue from Kyzikos of the 'Kore Soteira/Bull butting left' type (SNG Paris 436)"  +
This coin was overstruck on a tetradrachm of Mithridates VI Eupator, king of Pontos in circa 120-63 BC, with his forehead and nose still visible in front of Artemis on the obverse.  +
"Overstruck on a tetradrachm of Athens (head of Athena visible on the reverse, portions of the owl visible on the obverse); very rare thus, Kraay (in Greek Coins and History) noted only 7 examples known."  +
"This coin was overstruck on an earlier issue of Apameia in Syria (HGC 9, 1419): the head of Zeus is still visible on the obverse whereas the reverse shows an elephant standing tothe right and parts of the legend (AΠ[AMEΩN] / TH[Σ IEΡAΣ] - KAI A[ΣΥΛOΥ] / Σ[...]). Unfortunately, the date is not fully readable, but it is likely ΣE = SE 237 = 76/5 BC"  +
"This coin is overstruck on what appears to be a late Hellenistic tetradrachm in the name of Lysimachos (some letters of basileus can be seen to the right of Dionysos on the reverse, as can the remains of a seated Athena). Exactly which issue it is has yet to be determined"  +