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Abd-Hadad of Hierapolis ยท Achaean League ยท Aelis ยท Aemilian (253 CE) ยท Aesillas (quaestor in the Roman province of Macedonia in c. 90 BC) ยท Aetolian League ยท Agathocles Dikaios (Indo-Greek king, c. 190-180 BC) ยท Agathocles of Syracuse (tyrant of Syracuse in 317-289 BC and self-styled king of Sicily in 304-289 BC) ยท Ainianes ยท Akrosas ยท Alexander III the Great (Argead king, 336-323 BC) ยท Alexander III the Great (Argead king, 336-323 BC) - pretended authority (type) ยท Alexander III the Great (Argead king, 336-323 BC) - pretended authority (types) ยท Alexander II Zabinas (Seleucid king, 128-123 BC) ยท Alexander I Balas (Seleucid king, 152-145 BC) ยท Alexander I of Macedon (Argead king, c. 498-454 BC) ยท Alexander Severus (Roman emperor, 222-235 AD) ยท Amastris (Persian princess, wife of Craterus, Dionysius and Lysimachus, c. 330-284 BC) ยท Amorgian league ยท Amphictyonic league ยท Amyntas of Galatia (tetrarch and king of Galatia, 37/6-25 BC) ยท Anaxilas, tyrant of Rhegium ยท Anaxilas II (494-476 BCE) ยท Andragoras ยท Anicius Olybrius ยท Antigonus III Doson (Antigonid king, 229-221 BC) ยท Antigonus III Doson (Antigonid king, 229-221 BC) - supposed authority ยท Antigonus II Gonatas (Antigonid king, 277/6-239 BC) ยท Antigonus II Gonatas (Antigonid king, 277/6-239 BC) - pretended authority ยท Antimachus I (Indo-Greek king, c. 185 BC-170 BC) ยท Antiochus, son of Seleucus IV (Seleucid king, c. 175-170 BC) ยท Antiochus Hierax (Seleucid usurper, 246-227 BC) ยท Antiochus III the Great (Seleucid king, 222-187 BC) ยท Antiochus III the Great (Seleucid king, 223-187 BC) ยท Antiochus II Theos (Seleucid king, 261-246 BC) ยท Antiochus IV Epiphanes (Seleucid king, 175-164 BC) ยท Antiochus IX Cyzicenus (Seleucid king, 114-95 BC) ยท Antiochus I Soter (Seleucid king, 281-261 BC) ยท Antiochus VIII Grypus (Seleucid king, 121/0-97/6 BC) ยท Antiochus VII Euergetes (Seleucid king, 138-129 BC) ยท Antiochus VI Dionysus (Seleucid king, 144-142 BC) ยท Antiochus V Eupator (Seleucid king, 164-162 BC) ยท Antiochus XIII Asiaticus (Seleucid king, 69-64 BC) ยท Antiochus XII Dionysus (Seleucid king, 87/6-83/2 BC) ยท Antiochus XI Epiphanes Philadelphus (Seleucid king, 94-93 BC) ยท Antoninus Pius (Roman emperor, 138-161 AD) ยท Arcadian league ยท Archelaus I of Macedon (Argead king, 413-399 BC) ยท Areus I of Sparta (Agiad King of Sparta, 309-265 BC) ยท Ariarathes IX Eusebes Philopator (king of Cappadocia, c.100-c. 85 BC) ยท Ariarathes VIII Eusebes Epiphanes (king of Cappadocia, c. 100-c. 95 BC) ยท Ariarathes VII Philometor (king of Cappadocia, c. 116-c. 100 BC) ยท Ariarathes VI (king of Cappadocia, c. 130-c. 114 BCE) ยท Ariobarzanes I Philoromaios (96-63 BCE) ยท Armenian kingdom ยท Arsinoe II (queen of Thrace, Asia Minor and Macedonia, Ptolemaic queen and co-ruler of Egypt, c. 300-c. 270 BC) ยท Artabanus III (prince of the Parthian kingdom, c. 80 AD) ยท Artabanus II (king of Parthia, 10-41 CE) ยท Artabanus IV (king of the Parthian kingdom, c. 216-224 AD) ยท Artavasdes II of Armenia (Artaxiad king, 55-34 BC) ยท Artavasdes II of Armenia (Artaxiad king, 55-34 BC) - pretended authority (counterfeit) ยท Artavasdes IV of Armenia (Artaxiad king, 4-6) ยท Artaxerxes I ยท Artaxerxes II ยท Artaxias II of Armenia (Artaxiad king, 34-20 BC) ยท Asander of Bosporus (Roman client king of the Bosporan Kingdom, 47-17 BC) ยท Aspeisas ยท Ataias (350-339 BCE) ยท Attalid Kingdom ยท Attalus III Philometor Euergetes (Attalid king, 139-133 BC) ยท Attalus II (220-138 BCE) ยท Attalus II Philadelphus (Attalid king, 159-139 BC) ยท Attalus I (Attalid king, 241-197 BC) ยท Audoleon of Paeonia (315-285 BCE) ยท Augustus (Roman emperor, 27 BC-14 AD) ยท Baalshillem II (king of Sidon, 401-365 BCE) ยท Bactrian Kingdom ยท Bactrian kingdom ยท Berenice II Euergetis (Ptolemaic queen and co-regent, 267/266-221 BC) ยท Bisaltai ยท Botteian league ยท Byzantine empire ยท Caligula (Roman emperor, 37-41 AD) ยท Campanian mercenaries ยท Cappadocian kingdom ยท Caracalla (Roman emperor, 198-217 AD) ยท Carthaginian Empire ยท Cavarus (king of Thrace, 219-210 BCE) ยท Celtic numismatics ยท Chalcidian League (c. 430-348 BC) ยท Charaspes ยท Claudius (Roman emperor, 13-54 BC) ยท Cleomenes III of Sparta (Agiad king of Sparta, 235-222 BC) ยท Cleopatra III of Egypt (Ptolemaic queen, 142-131 and 127-116 BC) ยท Cleopatra II Philometor (Ptolemaic queen, 172-115 BC). ยท Cleopatra Thea (Seleucid queen, 150-121 BC) ยท Cleopatra VII Philopator (Ptolemaic queen, 51-30 BC) ยท Commodus (Roman emperor, 177-192 AD) ยท Croesus (king of Lydia, 560-546 BCE) ยท Darius II ยท Darius I of Media Atropatene (king of the Parthian Empire, c. 70 BC) ยท Demetrius III Philopator (Seleucid king, 97/6-88/7 BC) ยท Demetrius II Nicator (Seleucid king, 145-140 and 129-125 BC) ยท Demetrius I (Bactrian king, 200-185 BCE) ยท Demetrius I (Indo-Greek king, c. 200โ180 BC) ยท Demetrius I Poliorcetes (Antigonid king, 294-283 BC) ยท Demetrius I Soter (Seleucid king, 162-150 BC) ยท Derdas (king of Elimiotes, early 4th century BC) ยท Derrones ยท Diodotus II of Bactria (king in Bactria, 239-223 C) ยท Diodotus I of Bactria (Seleucid satrap and king in Bactria, c. 255/50-239 BC) ยท Dionysius I of Syracuse (tyrant of Syracuse, c. 400-367 BC) ยท Domitian (Roman emperor, 81-96 AD) ยท Elagabalus (Roman emperor, 218-222 BC) ยท Epipalos, king of Amathus ยท Epirote League ยท Erbbina (dynast of Telmessos area in Lycia, c. 430-410 ฮC) ยท Euboean League ยท Eucratides I of Bactria (Graeco-Bactrian king, 171-145 BC) ยท Euelthon of Salamis (king of Salamis, last quarter of the 6th c. BC) ยท Eumenes III Aristonicus (Attalid usurper, 133-129 BC) ยท Eumenes II of Pergamum (Attalid king, 197-159 BC) ยท Eumenes I of Pergamum (Attalid king, 263-241 BC) ยท Eumenes of Cardia ยท Eunostos of Soli (king of Soli, end 4th c. BC) ยท Euthydemus II (Indo-Greek king, c. 180 BC) ยท Euthydemus I of Bactria (satrap of Sogdiana and Graeco-Bactrian king, c. 230-c. 200 BC) ยท Euthydemus I of Bactria (satrap of Sogdiana and Greco-Bactrian king, c. 230-c. 200 BC) ยท Evagoras, king of Sidon (346-343 BCE) ยท Evagoras II (king of Salamis, 361-351 BC, and later satrap for Achaemenid Persia in Phoenicia) ยท Evagoras II (king of Salamis, 361-351 BC, and later satrap for Achaemenid Persia in Phoenicia) - supposed authority ยท Evagoras I (king of Salamis, 411-374 BC) ยท Faustina the Younger (Roman empress, 161-175 AD) - pretended authority ยท Gallienus (Roman emperor, 218-268 AD) ยท Gelon II of Syracuse (king of Syracuse, c. 240-216 BC) ยท Germanicus (general of the Julio-Claudian dynasty, 15-19 AD) - pretended authority ยท Geta (Roman emperor, 209/10-211 AD) ยท Getas (king of the Edones) ยท Gordian III (Roman emperor, 238-244 AD) ยท Gotarzes II (king of Parthia, 40-51 CE) ยท Hadrian (Roman emperor, 117-138 AD) ยท Hecatomnus of Caria (satrap of Caria, c. 395-c. 377 BC) ยท Herod Antipas (tetrarch of Galilee and Perea, 4 BC-39 AD) ยท Hicetas (tyrant of Syracuse, 288-279 BC) ยท Hieron II of Syracuse (tyrant of Syracuse, 270-215 BC) ยท Hieron I of Syracuse ยท Hieronymus of Syracuse (tyrant of Syracuse, 215-214 BC) ยท Hippostratus of Bactria (Indo-Greek king, c. 65-55 BC) ยท Hispani ยท Ichnai ยท Idrieus (satrap of Caria, mid-4th century BC) ยท Indo-Greek kingdom ยท Julia Domna (Roman empress, 194-211 AD) ยท Julia Domna (Roman empress, 194-211 AD) - pretended authority ยท Julia Maesa (sister of Julia Domna, 218-222 AD) ยท Julia Paula (wife of Elagabalus, 219-220 AD) ยท Justin II (Byzantine emperor, 565-578 AD) ยท Justin I (Byzantine emperor, 518-527 AD)Justinian I (Byzantine emperor, 527-565 AD) ยท Justinian I (Byzantine emperor, 527-565 AD) ยท Kanites ยท Keian League ยท Kherei (dynast of Lycia, c. 430-410 BC) ยท Kheriga (dynast of Lycia, c. 430-410 BC) ยท Kingdom of Bithynia (late 4th c.-74 BC) ยท Koson of Dacia ยท Kujula Kadphises (50-90 CE) ยท Kuprlli (Lycian dynast) ยท Kushan empire ยท Laelianus (269 CE) ยท League of Athena Ilias ยท Lucania ยท Lucilius Antonius (Roman moneyer) ยท Lucullus ยท Lycian League ยท Lysimachus (Macedonian officer, diadochus and king, c. 360-281 BC) ยท M. Minatius Sabinus ยท Macedonian kingdom ยท Macrinus (Roman emperor, 217-218 AD) ยท Marcus Antonius (Roman politician and general, member of the Second Triumvirate, 83-30 BC) ยท Marcus Antonius (Roman politician and general, member of the Second Triumvirate, 83-30 BC) - supposed authority ยท Marcus Aurelius (Roman emperor, 161-180 AD) ยท Marcus Junius Brutus (85-42 BCE) ยท Marius (269 CE) ยท Mausolus of Caria (satrap of Caria, 377-353 BC) ยท Maximinus Thrax (Roman emperor, 235-238 AD) ยท Maximus (Roman emperor, 236-238 AD) ยท Mazaces (satrap of Egypt, 333-332 BC) ยท Mazday ยท Melekiathon of Citium (392-361 BCE) ยท Memnon of Rhodes (c. 380-333 BCE) ยท Menander I Soter (Graeco-Bactrian and Indo-Greek king, 165/155 -130 BC) ยท Menander I Soter (Indo-Greek king of the Indo-Greek Kingdom, 165/155 -130 BC) ยท Menelaos of Cyprus (king of Cyprus, 312-306 BC) ยท Messenian League ยท Miltiades II (tyrant of Thracian Chersonese) ยท Mithridates III (king of Pontus, c. 220-200 BCE) ยท Mithridates III (king of the Parthian Empire, 87-80 BC) ยท Mithridates IV (king of Pontus, 162-150 BCE) ยท Mithridates IV (king of the Parthian Empire, 129-140 AD) ยท Mithridates I (king of the Parthian Empire, 171-138 BC) ยท Mithridates VI Eupator (king of the Pontic kingdom, c. 120-63 BC) ยท Mithridats I king of Parthia ยท Molon (Seleucid usurper, 222-220 BC) ยท Monunius of Illyria (Illyrian king of Dardania, c. 290-c. 270 BC) ยท Mostis (king of the Caeni, 130-90 BC) ยท Musa/Thermusa (queen of the Parthian Empire, 2 BC-4 AD) ยท Nabis of Sparta (king of Sparta, 192-177 BC) ยท Nero (Roman emperor, 54-68 AD) ยท Nervii ยท Nicomedes II of Bithynia (king of Bithynia, 149-127 BC) ยท Nicomedes I of Bithynia (king of Bithynia, c. 278-255 BC) ยท Nikokles of Salamis (king of Salamis, 374-361 BC) ยท Nikokles of Salamis (king of Salamis, 374-361 BC) - supposed authority ยท Nikokreon of Salamis (king of Salamis, 331-310 BC) ยท Orodes II (king of the Parthian Empire, 57-38 BC) ยท Orrescii ยท Osroes II (claimant of the throne of the Parthian Empire c. 190 AD) ยท Osroes I (prince of the Parthian Empire, 109-116 and 117-129 AD) ยท P. Ventidius Bassus ยท Pacorus II (king of Parthia, c. 78-105 AD) ยท Paeonian kingdom ยท Pantaleon (Indo-Greek king, c. 190-180 BC) ยท Parthamaspates (Roman client, king of Parthia in 116-117 AD and of Osroene in 118-123 AD) ยท Parthian Empire ยท Parthian empire ยท Patraus (king of Peonia, 340-315 BC) ยท Perdiccas II of Macedon (Argead king, c. 448-c. 413 BC) ยท Perseus (Antigonid king, c. 212-166 BC) ยท Persian Empire ยท Phaelacus ยท Pharnabazus II (Achaemenid Persian Satrap in Asia Minor, c. 413-374 BC) ยท Pharnaces II of Pontus (king of the Bosporan Kingdom, 63-47 BC) ยท Pharnaces I of Pontus (king of Pontus, 2nde c. BC) ยท Philip II (Argead king, 359-336 BC) ยท Philip I Epiphanes Philadelphus (Seleucid king, 94/3-76/5 BC) ยท Philip VI Andriscus (149-148 BCE) ยท Philip V of Macedonia (238-179 BCE) ยท Philip the Arab (Roman emperor, 244-249 AD) ยท Philipp III Arrhidaeus (Argead king, 323-317 BC) ยท Philistis (queen of Syracusa, 274-216 BC) ยท Philotas (king of South Macedon?) ยท Phocian League ยท Phraates III (king of the Parthian Empire, 70-57 BC) ยท Phraates II (king of the Parthian Empire, 138-127 BC) ยท Phraates IV (king of the Parthian Empire, 38-2 BC) ยท Phraates V (king of the Parthian Empire, 2 BC-4 AD) ยท Pixodarus of Caria (satrap of Caria, 340-335 BC) ยท Pnytagoras of Salamis (king of Salamis, 351-332 BC) ยท Pompey the Younger ยท Pontic kingdom ยท Postumus (260-269 CE) ยท Prusias II of Bithynia (king of Bithynia, 182-149 BC) ยท Ptolemaic dynasty (323-30 BC) ยท Ptolemy III Euergetes (Ptolemaic king, 246-222 BC) ยท Ptolemy II Philadelphus (Ptolemaic king, 283-246 BC) ยท Ptolemy IV Philopator (Ptolemaic king, 221-205 BC) ยท Ptolemy IX Soter II (Ptolemaic king, 116-110, 109-107 and 88-81 BC) ยท Ptolemy I Soter (satrap and Ptolemaic king of Egypt, 323-305 BC) ยท Ptolemy I Soter (satrap and Ptolemaic king of Egypt, 323-305 BC) - pretended authority (type) ยท Ptolemy VIII Physcon (169-164, 144-132/1 and 126-116 BC) ยท Ptolemy VI Philometor (Ptolemaic king, 180-145 BC) ยท Ptolemy V Epiphanes (Ptolemaic king, 204-181 BC) ยท Ptolemy V Epiphanes (Ptolemaic king, 204-181 BC) - supposed and pretended authority? ยท Ptolemy X Alexander I (Ptolemaic king, 110-88 BC) ยท Pumiathon of Citium (361-312 BCE) ยท Pyrrhus (general, Aeacid king of Molossians, Macedonia and Epirus, 306-272 BC) ยท Rhodian power ยท Rhoikos, king of Amathus ยท Rhoontopates (satrap of Caria) ยท Roman Empire ยท Roman Republic ยท Roman empire ยท Roman province of Macedonia ยท Roman provincial ยท Sabaces (Achaemenid satrap of the Achaemenid 31st dynasty of Egypt, c. 350-333 BC) ยท Sammas (dynast of uncertain place in the Thraco-Macedonian region) ยท Sariakes ยท Saโฆ (king of Cyprus in the Classical period) ยท Scythian kings ยท Seleucid Dynasty (312-63 BC) ยท Seleucus III Ceraunus (Seleucid king, 225-223 BC) ยท Seleucus II Callinicus (Seleucid king, 246-225 BC) ยท Seleucus IV Philopator (Seleucid king, 187-175 BC) ยท Seleucus I Nicator (satrap in 321-305 BC and Seleucid king in 305-281 BC) ยท Seleucus VI Epiphanes Nicator (Seleucid king, 96-94 BC) ยท Seleukos II Kallinikos (Seleucid king, 246-225 BC) ยท Septimius Severus (Roman emperor, 193-211 AD) ยท Seuthes III (king of the Odrysian kingdom, c. 331-300 BC) ยท Severus Alexander (Roman emperor, 222-235 AD) ยท Sextus Pompeius Magnus Pius ยท Simon bar Kokhba (military leader and king of Judea, 132-135 CE) ยท Skostokos (vassal of Lysimachus or ruler in Thrace ?) ยท Social war ยท Sophytes ยท Spartocus of Thrace (king of the Odrysian Kingdom, c. 281-278 BC) ยท Stasoikos II of Marium (330-312 BCE) ยท Symmachic coinage (405 BCE) ยท Tanousas ยท Tarkumuwa (Datames), satrap of Cilicia ยท Tennes, king of Sidon (351-347 BCE) ยท Tetricus II (273-274 CE) ยท Tetricus I (271-274 CE) ยท The Amphaxians ยท The Bruttians ยท The Sindi, Sindones or Sindianoi (people in the Taman Peninsula and the coast of Pontus) ยท The Syracusans ยท Thraco-Macedonian tribes ยท Tiberius (Roman emperor, 14-37 AD) ยท Tigranes III of Armenia (Artaxiad king, 20-8 BC) ยท Tigranes II of Armenia (Artaxiad king, c. 95-56 BC) ยท Tigranes II of Armenia (Artaxiad king, c. 95-56 BC) - pretended authority (counterfeit) ยท Timarchus (satrap of Media in c. 175-163 BC and Seleucid usurper in 162-161 BC) ยท Timoleon of Corinth (411-337 BCE) ยท Timoleontic symmachy coinage ยท Titus (Roman emperor, 79-81 AD) ยท Trajan (Roman emperor, 98-117 AD) ยท Tranquillina (Roman empress, 241-244 AD) ยท Tryphon (142-138 BCE) ยท Tylis ยท Tyntenoi ยท Uncertain satrap (provincial governor within the Achaemenid Persian Empire) ยท Vardanes II (king of Parthian Empire, c. 55-58 AD) ยท Vardanes I (king of Parthian Empire, c. 40-45 AD) ยท Vespasian (Roman emperor, 69-79 AD) ยท Victorinus (269-271 CE) ยท Vima Kadphises ยท Vologases III (king of Parthia, c. 105-147 AD) ยท Vologases II (king of Parthia, c. 77-80 AD) ยท Vologases IV (king of Parthia, c. 147-191 AD) ยท Vologases I (king of Parthia, c. 51-78 AD) ยท Vologases VI (king of Parthia, c. 208-228 AD) ยท Vologases V (king of Parthia, c. 191-208 AD) ยท Vonones II (king of the Parthian Empire, c. 51 AD) ยท Vonones I (king of the Parthian Empire, c. 8-12 AD) ยท Wekhssere I (dynast of Lycia, c. 440-430 BC) ยท Wroikos ยท Wroikos, king of Amathus ยท Xerxes I ยท Zotimos ยท `Abd`aลกtart (king of Sidon, 365-352 BCE) ยท `Abd`aลกtart II, king of Sidon (342-333 BCE) ยท Other ยท None
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Showing below up to 5 results in range #1 to #5.
Die Study | ImageImage of the object | MetalThe physical material (usually metal) from which an object is made. | Date fromIdentifies the initial date in a range assigned in a numismatic context. | Date toIdentifies the final date in a range assigned in a numismatic context.. | Weight of silver (in kg) if 20,000 coins per die (O = Carter formula)Carter 1983 * Median weight * 20000 (*10 if gold or electrum) แต |
AC 153 - Botteatai, bronze (Apollo/cithara) (390-350 BCE) | ![]() | Bronze | 390 BC JL | 350 BC JL | |
AC 154 - Botteatai, bronze, Module B (390-375 BCE) | Bronze | 390 BC JL | 375 BC JL | ||
S 1575 - Amathus (Wroikos?), silver, staters (460-450 BCE) | ![]() | Silver | 460 BC JL | 450 BC JL | 369 kg |
S 1576 - Amathus (Wroikos?), silver, tetrobols (460-450 BCE) | ![]() | Silver | 460 BC JL | 450 BC JL | 689 kg |
S 1577 - Amathus (Wroikos?), silver, diobols (460-450 BCE) | ![]() | Silver | 460 BC JL | 450 BC JL | 418 kg |
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