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Arniold-Biucchi, Carmen (1990), The Randazzo hoard 1980 and Sicilian chronology in the early fifth century B.C., Numismatic Studies 18, New York, 77 p., 20 pl.  +
Arnold-Biucchi, Carmen (1992), "The beginnings of coinage in the West. Archaic Selinus.", in: Nilsson, Harald (ed), Florilegium numismaticum : studia in honorem U. Westermark edita, Stockholm, Svenska Numismatiska Föreningen, p. 13-19.  +
Arnold-Biucchi, Caermen (1996), "Riconiazioni siciliane", Numismatica e Antichità Classiche 25, p. 49-57.  +
Arnold-Biucchi, Carmen (1998), "The Pergamene mint under Lysimachos", in Richard Ashton and Silvia Hurter (eds.), Studies in Greek Numismatics in Memory of Martin Jessop Price, London, p. 5-15, pl. 3-5 (catalog p. 6-12)  +
Arnold-Biucchi, Carmen (1999), "Un trésor de tétradrachmes hellénistiques d’Aigeai en Cilicie", in M. Amandry et S. Hurter (éd.), Travaux de numismatique grecque offerts à Georges Le Rider, London, p. 1-13, pl. 1-2.  +
Arslan, Melih - Lighfoot, Chris (1999), Greek coins found in Turkey. The Antalya Archaeological Museum and the C.S. Okray Collection with additional material from the Burdur, Fethiye and Sinop Museums, Ankara, 46 p., 75 pl.  +
Arslan, Ermanno A. (1989), Monetazione aurea ed argentea dei Brettii, Glaux 4, Milan.  +
Arslan, Melih (1998), "A hoard of bronze coins of Lysimachia", in Ulrike Peter (ed.), Stephanos nomismatikos : Edith Schönert-Geiss zum 65. Geburtstag, Berlin, p. 77-82.  +
Arslan, Melih (1999), "A Hoard of Bronze Coins of Lysimachia," Belleten, 63/237, p. 403-410.  +
Artru, Jérémy (2024), Carthage : monnaie et histoire, de la prise de Sélinonte à la révolte lybienne (409-237 av. n.-è.), unpublished PhD, Orléans, 1.058 p., 61 pl.  +
Arévalo González, Alicia (1990), "Análisis de las reacuñaciones sobre Obulco", Cuadernos de Prehistoria y Arqueología 17 (1990) p. 307-314  +
Ashton, Richard - Kinns, Philip - Konuk, Koray - Meadows, Andrew (2002), "The Hecatomnus Hoard (CH 5.17, 8.96, 9.387)", Coin Hoards, IX, London, p. 95-158  +
Ashton, Richard - Kinns, Philip (2003), "Opuscula Anatolica II. Iv. A Rhodes on Chios overstrike", Numismatic Chronicle, 163, p. 30-31, pl. 5  +
Ashton, Richard H. J. - Sekunda, Nicholas Victor (2005) "The Coinage of Oinoanda", Numismatic Chronicle 165, p. 65-84, pl. 4-8.  +
Ashton, Richard - Weiss, Arnold-Peter (1997), "The Post-Plinthophoric Silver Drachms of Rhodes", Numismatic Chronicle, 157, p. 1-39, pl. 1-16.  +
Ashton, Richard (1986), "Rhodian Bronze Coinage and the Earthquake of 229-226 BC", The Numismatic Chronicle, 146, p. 1-18, pl. 1-.4  +
Ashton, Richard (1987), "Pseudo-Rhodian drachms and the beginning of the Lycian League coinage", The Numismatic Chronicle, 147, p. 8-25, pl. 2-3  +
Ashton, Richard (1987), "Rhodian-Type Silver Coinages from Crete," Schweizer Münzblätter, 37 (146), p. 29-39.  +
Ashton, Richard (1988), "Rhodian Coinage and the Colossus", Revue Numismatique, 6 (30), p. 75-90, pl. 15-8  +
Ashton, Richard (1988), "A Series of Pseudo-Rhodian Drachms from Mainland Greece", The Numismatic Chronicle, 148, p. 21-32, pl. 4-6.  +