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Showing 20 pages using this property.
A series of Rhodian didrachms from the mid-third century B.C.  +
Pseudo-Rhodian Drachms from Eretria (Euboia)  +
The solar disk drachms of Caria  +
The Pseudo-Rhodian Drachms of Mylasa  +
The coins of the Macedonian kings, Lysimachos and Eupolemos in the Museums of Fethiye and Afyon  +
The late classical/early hellenistic drachms of Knidos  +
The Hellenistic Hemidrachms of Kaunos  +
More Pseudo-Rhodian Drachms from Central Greece: Haliartos (again), Chalkis, and Euboia uncertain(?)  +
The coinage of Rhodes 408-c.190 BC  +
Rhodian Bronze Coinage and the Siege of Mithradates VI  +
A Sinope-Kos or Kos-Sinope overstrike  +
Catalogue of the early silver coinage of Rhodes  +
A Rhodes on Chios overstrike  +
Kaunos, not Miletos or Mylasa  +
The pre-Imperial Coinage of Iasos  +
The Pixodarus Hoard (CH 9.421)  +
Cirene e la Cirenaica in età greca e romana. Le monete. I. I ripostigli  +
Nummi Aenei Cyrenaici. Struttura e Cronologia della Monetazione Bronzea Cirenaica di Età Greca e Romana (325 a.C.-180 d.C.)  +
Recent Studies in Parthian History: Part III  +
Untersuchungen über die sidetischen Münzen des V. und IV. Jahrhunderts v. Chr.  +