Methodological Issues

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The Die-Studies Database (DSD) aims .

The Greek Overstrikes Database (GOD) aims .


  1. ^  Buttrey, Theodore V. (1993), "Calculating ancient coin production : facts and fantasies," Numismatic Chronicle, 153, p. 335-351
  2. ^  Buttrey, Theodore V. - Cooper, Denis (1994), "Calculating ancient coin production II : Why it cannot be done," Numismatic Chronicle, 154, p. 341-352.
  3. ^  Callataÿ, François de (1995), "Calculating ancient coin production : Seeking a balance," Numismatic Chronicle, 155, p. 40-54.
  4. ^  Buttrey, S. E. - Buttrey, Theodore V. (1997), "Calculating ancient coin production, again," American Journal of Numismatics, 2nd ser., 9, p. 113-135.
  5. ^  Callataÿ, François de (2005), “A quantitative survey of Hellenistic coinages: recent achievements”, in Zosia H. Archibald, John K. Davies and Vincent Gabrielsen (eds.), Making, Moving and Managing. The New World of Ancient Economies, 323-31BC, Oxford, Oxbow, p. 73-91.
  6. ^  Esty, Warren W. (1984), "Estimating the size of a coinage," Numismatic Chronicle, 144, p. 180-183.
  7. ^  Esty, Warren W. (2006), "How to estimate the original number of dies and the coverage of a sample," Numismatic Chronicle, 166, p. 359-364.
  8. ^  Callataÿ, François de (1999), “Étude de technique monétaire : le rapport ‘nombre de coins de revers/nombre de coins de droit’ à l'époque hellénistique”, Revue des Archéologues et Historiens de l’Art de Louvain, 32, p. 91-102.
  9. ^  Faucher, Thomas (2011), "Productivité des coins et taux de survie du monnayage grec," in François de Callataÿ (ed.), Quantifying monetary supplies in Greco-Roman times, Bari, Edipuglia, p.113-126.
  10. ^  Callataÿ, François de (193), “Estimation du nombre originel de coins : en augmentant l'échantillon...”, Acta Numismatica, 21-23 (Essays in honour of L. Villaronga), p. 31-48.
  11. ^  Esty, Warren W. (2011), "The geometric model for estimating the number of dies," in François de Callataÿ (ed.), Quantifying monetary supplies in Greco-Roman times, Bari, Edipuglia, p. 43-58.
  12. ^  Callataÿ, François de (1987), “Statistique et Numismatique : les limites d'un apport”, Revue des Archéologues et Historiens d'Art de Louvain, 20 (Mélanges J. Trizna), p. 76-95.
  13. ^  Albarède, Francis - Callataÿ, François de - Debernardi, Pierluigi - Blichert-Toft, Janne (2021), “Model for ancient Greek and Roman coinage production”, Journal of Archaeological Science, 131, DOI 105406 (
  14. ^  Callataÿ, François de (2023), "The Yehud Coinage: An Essay on Quantification", in Haim Gitler - Catharine C. Lorber - Jean-Philippe Fontanille, The Yehud Coinage. A Study and Die Classification of the Provincial Silver Coinage of Judah, Numismatic Studies and Researches XII, Jerusalem, p. 307-334.
  15. ^  Kinns, Philip (1983), "The Amphictionic Coinage Reconsidered", The Numismatic Chronicle 143, p. 1-22, pl. 1-4.
  16. ^  Marchetti, Patrick (1999), "Autour de la frappe du nouvel amphictionique," Revue belge de Numismatique, 145, p. 199-113.
  17. ^  Sellwood, David G. (1963), "Some experiments in Greek minting technique," Numismatic Chronicle, 7th ser., vol. 3, p. 217-231, pl. 23-25.
  18. ^  Faucher, Thomas - Téreygeol, Florian - Brousseau, Louis - Arles, Adrien (2009), "A la recherche des ateliers monetaires grecs : l'apport de l'experimentation," Revue Numismatique, 165, p. 43-80.
  19. ^  Price, Martin J. (1989), "The Larissa, 1968 hoard (IGCH 237)," in Georges Le Rider, Kenneth Jenkins, Nancy Waggoner and Ulla Westermark (eds.), Kraay-Mørkholm essays : numismatic studies in memory of C. M. Kraay and O. Mørkholm, Louvain-la-Neuve, p. 233-244.
  20. ^  Callataÿ, François de (1997), L'histoire des guerres mithridatiques vue par les monnaies, Numismatica Lovaniensia 18, Louvain-la-Neuve, XIII + 481 p. et 54 pl.
  21. ^  Metcalf, William E. (1988), "The joint reign gold of Justin I and Justinian I," in William E. Metcalf - Wolfgang R. O. Hahn (eds.), Studies in early Byzantine gold coinage, New York, p. 19-27.
  22. ^  Callataÿ, François de (2000), "Les taux de survie des émissions monétaires antiques, médiévales et modernes. Essai de mise en perspective et conséquence quant à la productivité des coins dans l’Antiquité," Revue Numismatique, 155, p. 87-109.