Die Studies
- AC 271 - Nagidus, silver, stater, 420-333 BC
- AC 271a - Nagidus, silver, tetrobol
- AC 272 - Nagidus, silver, stater, 390-380 BC
- Aegeae, bronze (Alexander the Great/Nike) (200-30 BCE)
- Aegeae, bronze (Athena/goat) (200-30 BCE)
- Aegeae, silver, tetradrachms (Tyche/Athena) (100-80 BCE)
- Alexandreia Kat'isson, bronze (Antiochus IV/Zeus) (175-164 BCE)
- Cilicia (uncertain mint) (Demetrius II), silver, drachms (146-143 BCE)
- H 261 - Aegeae, silver, tetradrachm, 47-29 BC
- H 262 - Aegeae, bronze, NC, 200-30 BC
- H 265 - Aegeae, bronze, NC, 200-30 BC
- H 302 - Cilicia (uncertain mint) (Antiochus VII), silver, tetradrachms (138-129 BCE)
- Myriandrus? (Alexander the Great), silver, tetradrachms (333-319 BCE)
- S 268 - Elaeusa, silver, tetradrachms (94-90 BCE)
- S 1797 - Celenderis, silver, double sigloi (410-375 BCE)
- S 2037 - Alexandreia Kat'isson, bronze (Heracles/Zeus) (200-30 BCE)
- Seleuceia ad Calycadnum (Antiochus VII), silver, tetradrachms (138-129 BCE)
- Seleuceia ad Calycadnum (Antiochus VIII), silver, tetradrachms (121-98 BCE)
- Seleuceia ad Calycadnum (Demetrius II), silver, drachms (146-144 BCE)
- Seleuceia ad Calycadnum (Demetrius II), silver, tetradrachms (146-144 BCE)
- Seleuceia ad Calycadnum (Seleucus VI), silver, tetradrachms (98-94 BCE)
- Soli (Antiochus III), silver, drachms (197-187 BCE)
- Soli (Antiochus III), silver, tetradrachms (197-187 BCE)
- Soli (Antiochus IV), silver, drachms (175-164 BCE)
- Soli (Antiochus IV), silver, tetradrachms (175-164 BCE)
- Soli (Demetrius I), silver, tetradrachms (162-150 BCE)
- Tarsus (Alexander the Great), gold, staters (333-319 BCE)
- Tarsus (Alexander the Great), silver, tetradrachms (333-319 BCE)
- Tarsus (Antiochus IX), silver, tetradrachms (114-112 BCE)
- Tarsus (Antiochus VIII), silver, tetradrachms (112-110 BCE)
- Tarsus (Antiochus VIII), silver, tetradrachms (116-114 BCE)
- Tarsus (Demetrius II), silver, tetradrachms (129-127 BCE)
- Tarsus (Pharnabazus), silver, double sigloi (Baaltars/Ares) (378-373 BCE)
- Tarsus (Pharnabazus), silver, double sigloi (female head/Ares) (378-373 BCE)
- Tarsus (Pharnabazus), silver, double sigloi (Heracles/Ares) (385-375 BCE)
- Tarsus (Tarkumuwa), silver, double sigloi (Baaltars/Ana) (369/8-361/0 BCE)
- Tarsus (Tarkumuwa), silver, double sigloi (Baaltars/Datames) (369/8-361/0 BCE)
- Tarsus (Tarkumuwa), silver, double sigloi (facing female head/Ares) (373-368 BCE)
Overstriking coins
- 2311 - Tarsus (Alexander the Great) over Alexander the Great (Akçakale hoard, D2096)
- 2312 - Tarsus (Alexander the Great) over uncertain type (CNG, EA 421, May 2018, 48)
- 2355 - Issus (double siglos Apollo/Heracles) over Salamis (Heracles/ram) (New York, ANS, 1944.100.54080)
- 2361 - Cilicia (uncertain mint) (walls/bull) over Aspendus (hoplite/triskeles) (Bertolami, EA 68, March 2019, 1358)
- 2362 - Nagidus (double siglos Aphrodite/Dionysus) over Celenderis (rider/goat) (Gorny & Mosch, 241, Oct. 2015, 1581)
- 2373 - Tarsus (double siglos female head/bearded head) over Side (Athena/Apollo) (Nomos, Obolos, 5, June 2016, 423)
- 2378 - Cilicia (uncertain mint) (walls/bull) over Aspendus (hoplite/triskeles) (Heritage Signature, Apr. 2019, 30159)
- 2380 - Tarsus (double siglos Baaltars/satrap) over uncertain type (Gorny & Mosch, 199, Oct. 2011, 523)
- 2388 - Issus (double siglos Apollo/Heracles) over Salamis (Heracles/ram) (Gorny & Mosch, 142, Oct. 2005, 1593)
- 2406 - Nagidus (double siglos Aphrodite/Dionysus) over Salamis (Heracles/ram) (M&M, 36, May 2012, 473)
- 2412 - Tarsus (AE Tyche/Sandan) over uncertain type (CNG, EA 434, Dec. 2018, 118)
- 2444 - Issus (double siglos Baaltars/Athena) over Tarsus (Baaltars/lion and bull) (CNG, 88, 14 Sept. 2011, 405)
- 2448 - Cilicia (uncertain mint) (walls/bull) over Phaselis (prow/stern) (Savoca, 30, Jan. 2019, 163)
- 2468 - Tarsus (double siglos female head/bearded head) over uncertain type (Nomos, Obolos 5, June 2016, 424)
- 2469 - Soli (double siglos Athena/grape bunch) over uncertain type (Lanz, 135, May 2007, 354)
- 2471 - Cilicia (uncertain mint) (double siglos wall/bull) over Aspendus (hoplite/triskeles) (Obolos, 14, Dec. 2019, 259)
- 2495 - Tarsus (double siglos Baaltars/lion and bull) over Aspendus (wrestlers/slinger) (CNG, EA 373, April 2016, 160)
- 2532 - Tarsus (double siglos female head/bearded head) over Side (Athena/Apollo) (Rauch, 41, June 1988, 292)
- 2548 - Soli (double siglos Amazon/grape bunch) over uncertain type (Roma Numismatics, EA 13, Nov. 2014, 167)
- 2553 - Tarsus (double siglos female head/bearded head) over Side (Athena/Apollo) (Rauch, 47, Nov. 1991, 181)
- 2556 - Tarsus (double siglos female head/bearded head) over Side (Athena/Apollo) (New York, ANS, SNG Berry 1294)
- 2559 - Tarsus (double siglos female head/bearded head) over Side (Athena/Apollo) (New York, ANS, SNG Berry 1295)
- 2566 - Soli (double siglos Athena/grape bunch) over uncertain type (Hess-Divo, 314, May 2009, 1204)
- 2586 - Cilicia (uncertain mint) (walls/bull) over Aspendus (hoplite/triskeles) (Gorny & Mosch, 265, Oct. 2019, 452)
- 2611 - Cilicia (uncertain mint) (walls/bull) over Aspendus (hoplite/triskeles) (Naumann, 72, Dec. 2018, 74)
- 2770 - Tarsus (double siglos female head/bearded head) over uncertain type (Schulman, May 1966, 727)
- 2789 - Soli (double siglos Amazon/bunch of grapes) over Side (Athena/pomegranate) (Nomos, 19, Nov 2019, 180)
- 2822 - Tarsus (double siglos Baaltars/lion and bull on city walls) over uncertain type (CNG, MBS 66, May 2004, 616)
- 2863 - Issus (double siglos Athena/young male) over Aspendus (wrestlers/slinger) (Triton VIII, Jan. 2005, 504)
- 3124 - Soli (double siglos Amazon/bunch of grape) over Aegina (tortoise/incuse square) (London, BM)
- 3129 - Tarsus (double siglos female head/bearded head) over Side (Athena/Apollo) (Künker, 312, Oct. 2018, 2516)
- 3173 - Nagidus (double siglos Aphrodite/Dionysus) over Aspendus? (wrestlers/slinger) (Elsen, 30, June 1993, 120)
- 3204 - Cilicia (uncertain mint) (double siglos, Sphinx/monster) over Tarsus (satrap/archer) (Roma Numismatics, EA 45, 5 May 2018, 316)
- 3315 - Tarsus (double siglos female head/bearded head) over uncertain type (Ebay seller High rating low price, Apr. 2019)
- 4324 - Tarsus (double siglos Baaltars/Ana) over uncertain type (CNG, EA 525, Oct. 2022, 400)
- 21247 - Issus (double siglos Apollo/Heracles) over Salamis (Heracles/ram) (Heritage, Signature Sale 3102, Nov. 2022, 32161)
- 21275 - Soli (double siglos Amazon/bunch of grapes) over Soli (Amazon/bunch of grapes) (Nomos, Obolos 15, May 2020, 445)
- 21279 - Soli (double siglos Amazon/bunch of grapes) over Aspendus (hoplite/triskeles) (Ebay seller numisfitzcoins Oct. 14, 2022)
- 21283 - Soli (double siglos Amazon/bunch of grapes) over Aspendus (hoplite/triskeles) (Peus, 434, April 2023, 230)
- 21302 - Cilicia (uncertain mint) (walls/bull) over Aspendus (hoplite/triskeles) (Solidus Numismatik, 38, Feb. 2019, 137)
- 21305 - Cilicia (uncertain mint) (walls/bull) over Aspendus (hoplite/triskeles) (Gorny & Mosch, 261, March 2019, 362)
- 25049 - Tarsus (double siglos horseman/archer) over uncertain type (CNG, EA 559, Apr. 2024, 126)
- 25092 - Tarsus (double siglos female head/bearded head) over uncertain type (Künker, 402, March 2024, 484)
- 26443 - Nagidus (double siglos Aphrodite/Dionysus) over Salamis (Heracles/ram) (Elsen, 159, June 2024, 122)
- 26443 - Nagidus (double siglos Aphrodite/Dionysus) over Soli (Heracles/head wearing bashlyk) (Elsen, 159, June 2024, 122)
Overstruck coins
- 2271 - Chersonesus (stater Britomartis/Heracles) over Myriandrus (Baaltars/lion) (Paris, BnF, R 1316)
- 2323 - Aspendus (double siglos hoplite/triskeles) over Soli-Pompeiopolis (Amazon/grape bunch) (Savoca, EA 40 Silver, Jan. 2020, 47)
- 2340 - Aspendus (double siglos athletes/slinger) over Tarsus (Female head/Ares) (Baldwin, 34, Oct. 2003, 141)
- 2353 - Aspendus (double siglos hoplite/triskeles) over Tarsus (rider/archer) (Heritage, 231927, July 2019, 61059)
- 2362 - Nagidus (double siglos Aphrodite/Dionysus) over Celenderis (rider/goat) (Gorny & Mosch, 241, Oct. 2015, 1581)
- 2444 - Issus (double siglos Baaltars/Athena) over Tarsus (Baaltars/lion and bull) (CNG, 88, 14 Sept. 2011, 405)
- 2541 - Aspendus (double siglos hoplite/triskeles) over Cilicia (uncertain mint) (city wall/bull) (CNG, EA 432, Nov. 2018, 82)
- 3204 - Cilicia (uncertain mint) (double siglos, Sphinx/monster) over Tarsus (satrap/archer) (Roma Numismatics, EA 45, 5 May 2018, 316)
- 20402 - Aspendus (double siglos hoplite/triskeles) over Cilicia (uncertain mint) (city wall/bull) (CNG, EA 522, Aug. 2022, 144)
- 20434 - Aspendus (double siglos hoplite/triskeles) over Celenderis (rider/goat) (CNG, EA 435, Jan. 2019, 106)
- 20539 - Aspendus (double siglos hoplite/triskeles) over Cilicia (uncertain mint) (city wall/bull) (Bertolami, EA 259, May 2023, 430)
- 21225 - Selge (double siglos athletes/slinger) over Tarsus (Datames) (Baaltars/Ana and Datames) (Triton, IV, Dec. 2000, 287)
- 21275 - Soli (double siglos Amazon/bunch of grapes) over Soli (Amazon/bunch of grapes) (Nomos, Obolos 15, May 2020, 445)
- 21769 - Aspendus (double siglos hoplite/triskeles) over Celenderis (rider/goat) (Heritage, 231950, Dec. 2019, 62076)
- 26443 - Nagidus (double siglos Aphrodite/Dionysus) over Salamis (Heracles/ram) (Elsen, 159, June 2024, 122)
- 26443 - Nagidus (double siglos Aphrodite/Dionysus) over Soli (Heracles/head wearing bashlyk) (Elsen, 159, June 2024, 122)
- SO 1150 - Seleuceia ad Tigrim over Tarsus