Lorber - Faucher 2010


Lorber - Faucher 2010
SILVER IDUnique ID of the page : 24276
AuthorAuthor of the document.: Catharine C. Lorber, Thomas Faucher TitleTitel of the book.: Bronze coinage of Ptolemaic Egypt in the second century BC
YearYear of the literature reference : 2010 PlacePlace of publication of the book, composition of the document or institution.: New York 40.712730° N, 74.006020° W TypeLiterature type (book, journal, etc.) : journal LanguageLanguage of the publication: English
CitationCitation text of reference Lorber, Catharine C - Faucher, Thomas (2010), "Bronze coinage of Ptolemaic Egypt in the second century BC", American Journal of Numismatics, 22, p. 35-80, pls. 18-22.
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Worldcat IDWorldcat ID: 9976452784 DONUM IDID of the online catalog of the American Numismatic Society Library: 177271
Associated personsNames of Persons who are mentioned in the annotation.: KeywordsNumismatic Keywords : egypt, ptolemies, ptolemy v, ptolemy vi, ptolemy vii

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