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Abd-Hadad of Hierapolis · Achaean League · Aelis · Aemilian (253 CE) · Aesillas (quaestor in the Roman province of Macedonia in c. 90 BC) · Aetolian League · Agathocles Dikaios (Indo-Greek king, c. 190-180 BC) · Agathocles of Syracuse (tyrant of Syracuse in 317-289 BC and self-styled king of Sicily in 304-289 BC) · Ainianes · Akrosas · Alexander III the Great (Argead king, 336-323 BC) · Alexander III the Great (Argead king, 336-323 BC) - pretended authority (type) · Alexander III the Great (Argead king, 336-323 BC) - pretended authority (types) · Alexander II Zabinas (Seleucid king, 128-123 BC) · Alexander I Balas (Seleucid king, 152-145 BC) · Alexander I of Macedon (Argead king, c. 498-454 BC) · Alexander Severus (Roman emperor, 222-235 AD) · Amastris (Persian princess, wife of Craterus, Dionysius and Lysimachus, c. 330-284 BC) · Amorgian league · Amphictyonic league · Amyntas of Galatia (tetrarch and king of Galatia, 37/6-25 BC) · Anaxilas, tyrant of Rhegium · Anaxilas II (494-476 BCE) · Andragoras · Anicius Olybrius · Antigonus III Doson (Antigonid king, 229-221 BC) · Antigonus III Doson (Antigonid king, 229-221 BC) - supposed authority · Antigonus II Gonatas (Antigonid king, 277/6-239 BC) · Antigonus II Gonatas (Antigonid king, 277/6-239 BC) - pretended authority · Antimachus I (Indo-Greek king, c. 185 BC-170 BC) · Antiochus, son of Seleucus IV (Seleucid king, c. 175-170 BC) · Antiochus Hierax (Seleucid usurper, 246-227 BC) · Antiochus III the Great (Seleucid king, 222-187 BC) · Antiochus III the Great (Seleucid king, 223-187 BC) · Antiochus II Theos (Seleucid king, 261-246 BC) · Antiochus IV Epiphanes (Seleucid king, 175-164 BC) · Antiochus IX Cyzicenus (Seleucid king, 114-95 BC) · Antiochus I Soter (Seleucid king, 281-261 BC) · Antiochus VIII Grypus (Seleucid king, 121/0-97/6 BC) · Antiochus VII Euergetes (Seleucid king, 138-129 BC) · Antiochus VI Dionysus (Seleucid king, 144-142 BC) · Antiochus V Eupator (Seleucid king, 164-162 BC) · Antiochus XIII Asiaticus (Seleucid king, 69-64 BC) · Antiochus XII Dionysus (Seleucid king, 87/6-83/2 BC) · Antiochus XI Epiphanes Philadelphus (Seleucid king, 94-93 BC) · Antoninus Pius (Roman emperor, 138-161 AD) · Arcadian league · Archelaus I of Macedon (Argead king, 413-399 BC) · Areus I of Sparta (Agiad King of Sparta, 309-265 BC) · Ariarathes IX Eusebes Philopator (king of Cappadocia, c.100-c. 85 BC) · Ariarathes VIII Eusebes Epiphanes (king of Cappadocia, c. 100-c. 95 BC) · Ariarathes VII Philometor (king of Cappadocia, c. 116-c. 100 BC) · Ariarathes VI (king of Cappadocia, c. 130-c. 114 BCE) · Ariobarzanes I Philoromaios (96-63 BCE) · Armenian kingdom · Arsinoe II (queen of Thrace, Asia Minor and Macedonia, Ptolemaic queen and co-ruler of Egypt, c. 300-c. 270 BC) · Artabanus III (prince of the Parthian kingdom, c. 80 AD) · Artabanus II (king of Parthia, 10-41 CE) · Artabanus IV (king of the Parthian kingdom, c. 216-224 AD) · Artavasdes II of Armenia (Artaxiad king, 55-34 BC) · Artavasdes II of Armenia (Artaxiad king, 55-34 BC) - pretended authority (counterfeit) · Artavasdes IV of Armenia (Artaxiad king, 4-6) · Artaxerxes I · Artaxerxes II · Artaxias II of Armenia (Artaxiad king, 34-20 BC) · Asander of Bosporus (Roman client king of the Bosporan Kingdom, 47-17 BC) · Aspeisas · Ataias (350-339 BCE) · Attalid Kingdom · Attalus III Philometor Euergetes (Attalid king, 139-133 BC) · Attalus II (220-138 BCE) · Attalus II Philadelphus (Attalid king, 159-139 BC) · Attalus I (Attalid king, 241-197 BC) · Audoleon of Paeonia (315-285 BCE) · Augustus (Roman emperor, 27 BC-14 AD) · Baalshillem II (king of Sidon, 401-365 BCE) · Bactrian Kingdom · Bactrian kingdom · Berenice II Euergetis (Ptolemaic queen and co-regent, 267/266-221 BC) · Bisaltai · Botteian league · Byzantine empire · Caligula (Roman emperor, 37-41 AD) · Campanian mercenaries · Cappadocian kingdom · Caracalla (Roman emperor, 198-217 AD) · Carthaginian Empire · Cavarus (king of Thrace, 219-210 BCE) · Celtic numismatics · Chalcidian League (c. 430-348 BC) · Charaspes · Claudius (Roman emperor, 13-54 BC) · Cleomenes III of Sparta (Agiad king of Sparta, 235-222 BC) · Cleopatra III of Egypt (Ptolemaic queen, 142-131 and 127-116 BC) · Cleopatra II Philometor (Ptolemaic queen, 172-115 BC). · Cleopatra Thea (Seleucid queen, 150-121 BC) · Cleopatra VII Philopator (Ptolemaic queen, 51-30 BC) · Commodus (Roman emperor, 177-192 AD) · Croesus (king of Lydia, 560-546 BCE) · Darius II · Darius I of Media Atropatene (king of the Parthian Empire, c. 70 BC) · Demetrius III Philopator (Seleucid king, 97/6-88/7 BC) · Demetrius II Nicator (Seleucid king, 145-140 and 129-125 BC) · Demetrius I (Bactrian king, 200-185 BCE) · Demetrius I (Indo-Greek king, c. 200–180 BC) · Demetrius I Poliorcetes (Antigonid king, 294-283 BC) · Demetrius I Soter (Seleucid king, 162-150 BC) · Derdas (king of Elimiotes, early 4th century BC) · Derrones · Diodotus II of Bactria (king in Bactria, 239-223 C) · Diodotus I of Bactria (Seleucid satrap and king in Bactria, c. 255/50-239 BC) · Dionysius I of Syracuse (tyrant of Syracuse, c. 400-367 BC) · Domitian (Roman emperor, 81-96 AD) · Elagabalus (Roman emperor, 218-222 BC) · Epipalos, king of Amathus · Epirote League · Erbbina (dynast of Telmessos area in Lycia, c. 430-410 ΒC) · Euboean League · Eucratides I of Bactria (Graeco-Bactrian king, 171-145 BC) · Euelthon of Salamis (king of Salamis, last quarter of the 6th c. BC) · Eumenes III Aristonicus (Attalid usurper, 133-129 BC) · Eumenes II of Pergamum (Attalid king, 197-159 BC) · Eumenes I of Pergamum (Attalid king, 263-241 BC) · Eumenes of Cardia · Eunostos of Soli (king of Soli, end 4th c. BC) · Euthydemus II (Indo-Greek king, c. 180 BC) · Euthydemus I of Bactria (satrap of Sogdiana and Graeco-Bactrian king, c. 230-c. 200 BC) · Euthydemus I of Bactria (satrap of Sogdiana and Greco-Bactrian king, c. 230-c. 200 BC) · Evagoras, king of Sidon (346-343 BCE) · Evagoras II (king of Salamis, 361-351 BC, and later satrap for Achaemenid Persia in Phoenicia) · Evagoras II (king of Salamis, 361-351 BC, and later satrap for Achaemenid Persia in Phoenicia) - supposed authority · Evagoras I (king of Salamis, 411-374 BC) · Faustina the Younger (Roman empress, 161-175 AD) - pretended authority · Gallienus (Roman emperor, 218-268 AD) · Gelon II of Syracuse (king of Syracuse, c. 240-216 BC) · Germanicus (general of the Julio-Claudian dynasty, 15-19 AD) - pretended authority · Geta (Roman emperor, 209/10-211 AD) · Getas (king of the Edones) · Gordian III (Roman emperor, 238-244 AD) · Gotarzes II (king of Parthia, 40-51 CE) · Hadrian (Roman emperor, 117-138 AD) · Hecatomnus of Caria (satrap of Caria, c. 395-c. 377 BC) · Herod Antipas (tetrarch of Galilee and Perea, 4 BC-39 AD) · Hicetas (tyrant of Syracuse, 288-279 BC) · Hieron II of Syracuse (tyrant of Syracuse, 270-215 BC) · Hieron I of Syracuse · Hieronymus of Syracuse (tyrant of Syracuse, 215-214 BC) · Hippostratus of Bactria (Indo-Greek king, c. 65-55 BC) · Hispani · Ichnai · Idrieus (satrap of Caria, mid-4th century BC) · Indo-Greek kingdom · Julia Domna (Roman empress, 194-211 AD) · Julia Domna (Roman empress, 194-211 AD) - pretended authority · Julia Maesa (sister of Julia Domna, 218-222 AD) · Julia Paula (wife of Elagabalus, 219-220 AD) · Justin II (Byzantine emperor, 565-578 AD) · Justin I (Byzantine emperor, 518-527 AD)Justinian I (Byzantine emperor, 527-565 AD) · Justinian I (Byzantine emperor, 527-565 AD) · Kanites · Keian League · Kherei (dynast of Lycia, c. 430-410 BC) · Kheriga (dynast of Lycia, c. 430-410 BC) · Kingdom of Bithynia (late 4th c.-74 BC) · Koson of Dacia · Kujula Kadphises (50-90 CE) · Kuprlli (Lycian dynast) · Kushan empire · Laelianus (269 CE) · League of Athena Ilias · Lucania · Lucilius Antonius (Roman moneyer) · Lucullus · Lycian League · Lysimachus (Macedonian officer, diadochus and king, c. 360-281 BC) · M. Minatius Sabinus · Macedonian kingdom · Macrinus (Roman emperor, 217-218 AD) · Marcus Antonius (Roman politician and general, member of the Second Triumvirate, 83-30 BC) · Marcus Antonius (Roman politician and general, member of the Second Triumvirate, 83-30 BC) - supposed authority · Marcus Aurelius (Roman emperor, 161-180 AD) · Marcus Junius Brutus (85-42 BCE) · Marius (269 CE) · Mausolus of Caria (satrap of Caria, 377-353 BC) · Maximinus Thrax (Roman emperor, 235-238 AD) · Maximus (Roman emperor, 236-238 AD) · Mazaces (satrap of Egypt, 333-332 BC) · Mazday · Melekiathon of Citium (392-361 BCE) · Memnon of Rhodes (c. 380-333 BCE) · Menander I Soter (Graeco-Bactrian and Indo-Greek king, 165/155 -130 BC) · Menander I Soter (Indo-Greek king of the Indo-Greek Kingdom, 165/155 -130 BC) · Menelaos of Cyprus (king of Cyprus, 312-306 BC) · Messenian League · Miltiades II (tyrant of Thracian Chersonese) · Mithridates III (king of Pontus, c. 220-200 BCE) · Mithridates III (king of the Parthian Empire, 87-80 BC) · Mithridates IV (king of Pontus, 162-150 BCE) · Mithridates IV (king of the Parthian Empire, 129-140 AD) · Mithridates I (king of the Parthian Empire, 171-138 BC) · Mithridates VI Eupator (king of the Pontic kingdom, c. 120-63 BC) · Mithridats I king of Parthia · Molon (Seleucid usurper, 222-220 BC) · Monunius of Illyria (Illyrian king of Dardania, c. 290-c. 270 BC) · Mostis (king of the Caeni, 130-90 BC) · Musa/Thermusa (queen of the Parthian Empire, 2 BC-4 AD) · Nabis of Sparta (king of Sparta, 192-177 BC) · Nero (Roman emperor, 54-68 AD) · Nervii · Nicomedes II of Bithynia (king of Bithynia, 149-127 BC) · Nicomedes I of Bithynia (king of Bithynia, c. 278-255 BC) · Nikokles of Salamis (king of Salamis, 374-361 BC) · Nikokles of Salamis (king of Salamis, 374-361 BC) - supposed authority · Nikokreon of Salamis (king of Salamis, 331-310 BC) · Orodes II (king of the Parthian Empire, 57-38 BC) · Orrescii · Osroes II (claimant of the throne of the Parthian Empire c. 190 AD) · Osroes I (prince of the Parthian Empire, 109-116 and 117-129 AD) · P. Ventidius Bassus · Pacorus II (king of Parthia, c. 78-105 AD) · Paeonian kingdom · Pantaleon (Indo-Greek king, c. 190-180 BC) · Parthamaspates (Roman client, king of Parthia in 116-117 AD and of Osroene in 118-123 AD) · Parthian Empire · Parthian empire · Patraus (king of Peonia, 340-315 BC) · Perdiccas II of Macedon (Argead king, c. 448-c. 413 BC) · Perseus (Antigonid king, c. 212-166 BC) · Persian Empire · Phaelacus · Pharnabazus II (Achaemenid Persian Satrap in Asia Minor, c. 413-374 BC) · Pharnaces II of Pontus (king of the Bosporan Kingdom, 63-47 BC) · Pharnaces I of Pontus (king of Pontus, 2nde c. BC) · Philip II (Argead king, 359-336 BC) · Philip I Epiphanes Philadelphus (Seleucid king, 94/3-76/5 BC) · Philip VI Andriscus (149-148 BCE) · Philip V of Macedonia (238-179 BCE) · Philip the Arab (Roman emperor, 244-249 AD) · Philipp III Arrhidaeus (Argead king, 323-317 BC) · Philistis (queen of Syracusa, 274-216 BC) · Philotas (king of South Macedon?) · Phocian League · Phraates III (king of the Parthian Empire, 70-57 BC) · Phraates II (king of the Parthian Empire, 138-127 BC) · Phraates IV (king of the Parthian Empire, 38-2 BC) · Phraates V (king of the Parthian Empire, 2 BC-4 AD) · Pixodarus of Caria (satrap of Caria, 340-335 BC) · Pnytagoras of Salamis (king of Salamis, 351-332 BC) · Pompey the Younger · Pontic kingdom · Postumus (260-269 CE) · Prusias II of Bithynia (king of Bithynia, 182-149 BC) · Ptolemaic dynasty (323-30 BC) · Ptolemy III Euergetes (Ptolemaic king, 246-222 BC) · Ptolemy II Philadelphus (Ptolemaic king, 283-246 BC) · Ptolemy IV Philopator (Ptolemaic king, 221-205 BC) · Ptolemy IX Soter II (Ptolemaic king, 116-110, 109-107 and 88-81 BC) · Ptolemy I Soter (satrap and Ptolemaic king of Egypt, 323-305 BC) · Ptolemy I Soter (satrap and Ptolemaic king of Egypt, 323-305 BC) - pretended authority (type) · Ptolemy VIII Physcon (169-164, 144-132/1 and 126-116 BC) · Ptolemy VI Philometor (Ptolemaic king, 180-145 BC) · Ptolemy V Epiphanes (Ptolemaic king, 204-181 BC) · Ptolemy V Epiphanes (Ptolemaic king, 204-181 BC) - supposed and pretended authority? · Ptolemy X Alexander I (Ptolemaic king, 110-88 BC) · Pumiathon of Citium (361-312 BCE) · Pyrrhus (general, Aeacid king of Molossians, Macedonia and Epirus, 306-272 BC) · Rhodian power · Rhoikos, king of Amathus · Rhoontopates (satrap of Caria) · Roman Empire · Roman Republic · Roman empire · Roman province of Macedonia · Roman provincial · Sabaces (Achaemenid satrap of the Achaemenid 31st dynasty of Egypt, c. 350-333 BC) · Sammas (dynast of uncertain place in the Thraco-Macedonian region) · Sariakes · Sa… (king of Cyprus in the Classical period) · Scythian kings · Seleucid Dynasty (312-63 BC) · Seleucus III Ceraunus (Seleucid king, 225-223 BC) · Seleucus II Callinicus (Seleucid king, 246-225 BC) · Seleucus IV Philopator (Seleucid king, 187-175 BC) · Seleucus I Nicator (satrap in 321-305 BC and Seleucid king in 305-281 BC) · Seleucus VI Epiphanes Nicator (Seleucid king, 96-94 BC) · Seleukos II Kallinikos (Seleucid king, 246-225 BC) · Septimius Severus (Roman emperor, 193-211 AD) · Seuthes III (king of the Odrysian kingdom, c. 331-300 BC) · Severus Alexander (Roman emperor, 222-235 AD) · Sextus Pompeius Magnus Pius · Simon bar Kokhba (military leader and king of Judea, 132-135 CE) · Skostokos (vassal of Lysimachus or ruler in Thrace ?) · Social war · Sophytes · Spartocus of Thrace (king of the Odrysian Kingdom, c. 281-278 BC) · Stasoikos II of Marium (330-312 BCE) · Symmachic coinage (405 BCE) · Tanousas · Tarkumuwa (Datames), satrap of Cilicia · Tennes, king of Sidon (351-347 BCE) · Tetricus II (273-274 CE) · Tetricus I (271-274 CE) · The Amphaxians · The Bruttians · The Sindi, Sindones or Sindianoi (people in the Taman Peninsula and the coast of Pontus) · The Syracusans · Thraco-Macedonian tribes · Tiberius (Roman emperor, 14-37 AD) · Tigranes III of Armenia (Artaxiad king, 20-8 BC) · Tigranes II of Armenia (Artaxiad king, c. 95-56 BC) · Tigranes II of Armenia (Artaxiad king, c. 95-56 BC) - pretended authority (counterfeit) · Timarchus (satrap of Media in c. 175-163 BC and Seleucid usurper in 162-161 BC) · Timoleon of Corinth (411-337 BCE) · Timoleontic symmachy coinage · Titus (Roman emperor, 79-81 AD) · Trajan (Roman emperor, 98-117 AD) · Tranquillina (Roman empress, 241-244 AD) · Tryphon (142-138 BCE) · Tylis · Tyntenoi · Uncertain satrap (provincial governor within the Achaemenid Persian Empire) · Vardanes II (king of Parthian Empire, c. 55-58 AD) · Vardanes I (king of Parthian Empire, c. 40-45 AD) · Vespasian (Roman emperor, 69-79 AD) · Victorinus (269-271 CE) · Vima Kadphises · Vologases III (king of Parthia, c. 105-147 AD) · Vologases II (king of Parthia, c. 77-80 AD) · Vologases IV (king of Parthia, c. 147-191 AD) · Vologases I (king of Parthia, c. 51-78 AD) · Vologases VI (king of Parthia, c. 208-228 AD) · Vologases V (king of Parthia, c. 191-208 AD) · Vonones II (king of the Parthian Empire, c. 51 AD) · Vonones I (king of the Parthian Empire, c. 8-12 AD) · Wekhssere I (dynast of Lycia, c. 440-430 BC) · Wroikos · Wroikos, king of Amathus · Xerxes I · Zotimos · `Abd`aštart (king of Sidon, 365-352 BCE) · `Abd`aštart II, king of Sidon (342-333 BCE) · Other · None
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Carthage, gold, 350-320 BC","link":"","lat":36.847009,"lon":10.312944,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/H_329e_-_Carthage,_gold,_350-320_BC\" title=\"H 329e - Carthage, gold, 350-320 BC\"\u003EH 329e - Carthage, gold, 350-320 BC\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E","title":"H 329e - Carthage, gold, 350-320 BC","link":"","lat":36.847009,"lon":10.312944,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/H_329zf_-_Carthage,_gold,_240-230_BC\" title=\"H 329zf - Carthage, gold, 240-230 BC\"\u003EH 329zf - Carthage, gold, 240-230 BC\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E","title":"H 329zf - Carthage, gold, 240-230 BC","link":"","lat":36.847009,"lon":10.312944,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/H_329n_-_Carthage,_gold,_350-320_BC\" title=\"H 329n - Carthage, gold, 350-320 BC\"\u003EH 329n - Carthage, gold, 350-320 BC\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E","title":"H 329n - Carthage, gold, 350-320 BC","link":"","lat":36.847009,"lon":10.312944,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/H_329g_-_Carthage,_gold,_350-320_BC\" title=\"H 329g - Carthage, gold, 350-320 BC\"\u003EH 329g - Carthage, gold, 350-320 BC\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E","title":"H 329g - Carthage, gold, 350-320 BC","link":"","lat":36.847009,"lon":10.312944,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/H_329zk_-_Carthage,_gold,_1/2_unit,_202-146_BC\" title=\"H 329zk - Carthage, gold, 1/2 unit, 202-146 BC\"\u003EH 329zk - Carthage, gold, 1/2 unit, 202-146 BC\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E","title":"H 329zk - Carthage, gold, 1/2 unit, 202-146 BC","link":"","lat":36.847009,"lon":10.312944,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/H_325d_-_Carthage,_electrum,_320-310_BC\" title=\"H 325d - Carthage, electrum, 320-310 BC\"\u003EH 325d - Carthage, electrum, 320-310 BC\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E","title":"H 325d - Carthage, electrum, 320-310 BC","link":"","lat":36.847009,"lon":10.312944,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/H_329z_-_Carthage,_gold,_1/4_unit,_255-241_BC\" title=\"H 329z - Carthage, gold, 1/4 unit, 255-241 BC\"\u003EH 329z - Carthage, gold, 1/4 unit, 255-241 BC\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E","title":"H 329z - Carthage, gold, 1/4 unit, 255-241 BC","link":"","lat":36.847009,"lon":10.312944,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/H_325b_-_Carthage,_electrum,_320-310_BC\" title=\"H 325b - Carthage, electrum, 320-310 BC\"\u003EH 325b - Carthage, electrum, 320-310 BC\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E","title":"H 325b - Carthage, electrum, 320-310 BC","link":"","lat":36.847009,"lon":10.312944,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/H_329za_-_Carthage,_gold,_255-241_BC\" title=\"H 329za - Carthage, gold, 255-241 BC\"\u003EH 329za - Carthage, gold, 255-241 BC\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E","title":"H 329za - Carthage, gold, 255-241 BC","link":"","lat":36.847009,"lon":10.312944,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/H_329r_-_Carthage,_gold,_1/5_unit,_320-310_BC\" title=\"H 329r - Carthage, gold, 1/5 unit, 320-310 BC\"\u003EH 329r - Carthage, gold, 1/5 unit, 320-310 BC\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E","title":"H 329r - Carthage, gold, 1/5 unit, 320-310 BC","link":"","lat":36.847009,"lon":10.312944,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/H_329y_-_Carthage,_gold,_255-241_BC\" title=\"H 329y - Carthage, gold, 255-241 BC\"\u003EH 329y - Carthage, gold, 255-241 BC\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E","title":"H 329y - Carthage, gold, 255-241 BC","link":"","lat":36.847009,"lon":10.312944,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/H_329t_-_Carthage,_gold,_290-280_BC\" title=\"H 329t - Carthage, gold, 290-280 BC\"\u003EH 329t - Carthage, gold, 290-280 BC\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E","title":"H 329t - Carthage, gold, 290-280 BC","link":"","lat":36.847009,"lon":10.312944,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/H_329c_-_Carthage,_gold,_1/5_stater,_375-360_BC\" title=\"H 329c - Carthage, gold, 1/5 stater, 375-360 BC\"\u003EH 329c - Carthage, gold, 1/5 stater, 375-360 BC\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E","title":"H 329c - Carthage, gold, 1/5 stater, 375-360 BC","link":"","lat":36.847009,"lon":10.312944,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/H_329v_-_Carthage,_gold,_280-270_BC\" title=\"H 329v - Carthage, gold, 280-270 BC\"\u003EH 329v - Carthage, gold, 280-270 BC\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E","title":"H 329v - Carthage, gold, 280-270 BC","link":"","lat":36.847009,"lon":10.312944,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/H_329o_-_Carthage,_gold,_350-320_BC\" title=\"H 329o - Carthage, gold, 350-320 BC\"\u003EH 329o - Carthage, gold, 350-320 BC\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E","title":"H 329o - Carthage, gold, 350-320 BC","link":"","lat":36.847009,"lon":10.312944,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/H_329zc_-_Carthage,_gold,_241-237_BC\" title=\"H 329zc - Carthage, gold, 241-237 BC\"\u003EH 329zc - Carthage, gold, 241-237 BC\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E","title":"H 329zc - Carthage, gold, 241-237 BC","link":"","lat":36.847009,"lon":10.312944,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/H_329zd_-_Carthage,_gold,_stater,_237-220_BC\" title=\"H 329zd - Carthage, gold, stater, 237-220 BC\"\u003EH 329zd - Carthage, gold, stater, 237-220 BC\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E","title":"H 329zd - Carthage, gold, stater, 237-220 BC","link":"","lat":36.847009,"lon":10.312944,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/H_329m_-_Carthage,_gold,_350-320_BC\" title=\"H 329m - Carthage, gold, 350-320 BC\"\u003EH 329m - Carthage, gold, 350-320 BC\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E","title":"H 329m - Carthage, gold, 350-320 BC","link":"","lat":36.847009,"lon":10.312944,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/H_329d_-_Carthage,_gold,_350-320_BC\" title=\"H 329d - Carthage, gold, 350-320 BC\"\u003EH 329d - Carthage, gold, 350-320 BC\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E","title":"H 329d - Carthage, gold, 350-320 BC","link":"","lat":36.847009,"lon":10.312944,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/H_329l_-_Carthage,_gold,_350-320_BC\" title=\"H 329l - Carthage, gold, 350-320 BC\"\u003EH 329l - Carthage, gold, 350-320 BC\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E","title":"H 329l - Carthage, gold, 350-320 BC","link":"","lat":36.847009,"lon":10.312944,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/H_329zg_-_Carthage,_gold,_218-202_BC\" title=\"H 329zg - Carthage, gold, 218-202 BC\"\u003EH 329zg - Carthage, gold, 218-202 BC\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E","title":"H 329zg - Carthage, gold, 218-202 BC","link":"","lat":36.847009,"lon":10.312944,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/H_329q_-_Carthage,_gold,_350-320_BC\" title=\"H 329q - Carthage, gold, 350-320 BC\"\u003EH 329q - Carthage, gold, 350-320 BC\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E","title":"H 329q - Carthage, gold, 350-320 BC","link":"","lat":36.847009,"lon":10.312944,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/H_329w_-_Carthage,_gold,_1/6_unit,_265-255_BC\" title=\"H 329w - Carthage, gold, 1/6 unit, 265-255 BC\"\u003EH 329w - Carthage, gold, 1/6 unit, 265-255 BC\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E","title":"H 329w - Carthage, gold, 1/6 unit, 265-255 BC","link":"","lat":36.847009,"lon":10.312944,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/H_329zh_-_Carthage,_gold,_218-202_BC\" title=\"H 329zh - Carthage, gold, 218-202 BC\"\u003EH 329zh - Carthage, gold, 218-202 BC\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E","title":"H 329zh - Carthage, gold, 218-202 BC","link":"","lat":36.847009,"lon":10.312944,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/AC_42_-_Entella,_silver,_drachms_(410-409_BCE)\" title=\"AC 42 - Entella, silver, drachms (410-409 BCE)\"\u003EAC 42 - Entella, silver, drachms (410-409 BCE)\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E","title":"AC 42 - Entella, silver, drachms (410-409 BCE)","link":"","lat":37.728871,"lon":13.184128,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/AC_42a_-_Entella,_silver,_hemidrachms_(410-409_BCE)\" title=\"AC 42a - Entella, silver, hemidrachms (410-409 BCE)\"\u003EAC 42a - Entella, silver, hemidrachms (410-409 BCE)\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E","title":"AC 42a - Entella, silver, hemidrachms (410-409 BCE)","link":"","lat":37.728871,"lon":13.184128,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/AC_84_-_Panormus_(Carthage),_silver,_didrachms_(415-405_BCE)\" title=\"AC 84 - Panormus (Carthage), silver, didrachms (415-405 BCE)\"\u003EAC 84 - Panormus (Carthage), silver, didrachms (415-405 BCE)\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E","title":"AC 84 - Panormus (Carthage), silver, didrachms (415-405 BCE)","link":"","lat":38.116667,"lon":13.366667,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/AC_84a_-_Thermae_Himerenses_(Carthage),_silver,_tetradrachms_(405-350_BCE)\" title=\"AC 84a - Thermae Himerenses (Carthage), silver, tetradrachms (405-350 BCE)\"\u003EAC 84a - Thermae Himerenses (Carthage), silver, tetradrachms (405-350 BCE)\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E","title":"AC 84a - Thermae Himerenses (Carthage), silver, tetradrachms (405-350 BCE)","link":"","lat":37.983992,"lon":13.696138,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/AC_84b_-_Thermae_Himerenses_(Carthage),_silver,_didrachms_(366-350_BCE)\" title=\"AC 84b - Thermae Himerenses (Carthage), silver, didrachms (366-350 BCE)\"\u003EAC 84b - Thermae Himerenses (Carthage), silver, didrachms (366-350 BCE)\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E","title":"AC 84b - Thermae Himerenses (Carthage), silver, didrachms (366-350 BCE)","link":"","lat":37.983992,"lon":13.696138,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/AC_84c_-_Solus_(Carthage),_silver,_tetradrachms_(360-350_BCE)\" title=\"AC 84c - Solus (Carthage), silver, tetradrachms (360-350 BCE)\"\u003EAC 84c - Solus (Carthage), silver, tetradrachms (360-350 BCE)\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E","title":"AC 84c - Solus (Carthage), silver, tetradrachms (360-350 BCE)","link":"","lat":38.082498,"lon":13.527452,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/AC_85_-_Panormus_(Carthage),_silver,_tetradrachms_(405-340_BCE)\" title=\"AC 85 - Panormus (Carthage), silver, tetradrachms (405-340 BCE)\"\u003EAC 85 - Panormus (Carthage), silver, tetradrachms (405-340 BCE)\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E","title":"AC 85 - Panormus (Carthage), silver, tetradrachms (405-340 BCE)","link":"","lat":38.116667,"lon":13.366667,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/H_39_-_Rash_Melqart_-_Cefalu_(Carthage),_silver,_tetradrachms_(350-300_BCE)\" title=\"H 39 - Rash Melqart - Cefalu (Carthage), silver, tetradrachms (350-300 BCE)\"\u003EH 39 - Rash Melqart - Cefalu (Carthage), silver, tetradrachms (350-300 BCE)\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E","title":"H 39 - Rash Melqart - Cefalu (Carthage), silver, tetradrachms (350-300 BCE)","link":"","lat":38.038251,"lon":14.026402,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/H_40_-_Lilybaeum_or_Entella_(Carthage),_silver,_tetradrachms_(350-310_BCE)\" title=\"H 40 - Lilybaeum or Entella (Carthage), silver, tetradrachms (350-310 BCE)\"\u003EH 40 - Lilybaeum or Entella (Carthage), silver, tetradrachms (350-310 BCE)\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E","title":"H 40 - Lilybaeum or Entella (Carthage), silver, tetradrachms (350-310 BCE)","link":"","lat":37.798405,"lon":12.437452,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/H_41_-_Lilybaeum_or_Entella_(Carthage),_silver,_tetradrachms_(320-300_BCE)\" title=\"H 41 - Lilybaeum or Entella (Carthage), silver, tetradrachms (320-300 BCE)\"\u003EH 41 - Lilybaeum or Entella (Carthage), silver, tetradrachms (320-300 BCE)\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E","title":"H 41 - Lilybaeum or Entella (Carthage), silver, tetradrachms (320-300 BCE)","link":"","lat":37.798405,"lon":12.437452,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/S_1570_-_Carthage,_silver,_double_shekels_(255-241_BCE)_Visona\" title=\"S 1570 - Carthage, silver, double shekels (255-241 BCE) Visona\"\u003ES 1570 - Carthage, silver, double shekels (255-241 BCE) Visona\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E","title":"S 1570 - Carthage, silver, double shekels (255-241 BCE) Visona","link":"","lat":36.847009,"lon":10.312944,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/H_325_-_Carthage,_electrum,_staters_(320-310_BCE)\" title=\"H 325 - Carthage, electrum, staters (320-310 BCE)\"\u003EH 325 - Carthage, electrum, staters (320-310 BCE)\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E","title":"H 325 - Carthage, electrum, staters (320-310 BCE)","link":"","lat":36.847009,"lon":10.312944,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/H_327_-_Carthage,_electrum,_22.60g_(265-255_BCE)\" title=\"H 327 - Carthage, electrum, 22.60g (265-255 BCE)\"\u003EH 327 - Carthage, electrum, 22.60g (265-255 BCE)\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E","title":"H 327 - Carthage, electrum, 22.60g (265-255 BCE)","link":"","lat":36.847009,"lon":10.312944,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/H_328_-_Carthage,_gold,_tridrachms_(265-255_BCE)\" title=\"H 328 - Carthage, gold, tridrachms (265-255 BCE)\"\u003EH 328 - Carthage, gold, tridrachms (265-255 BCE)\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E","title":"H 328 - Carthage, gold, tridrachms (265-255 BCE)","link":"","lat":36.847009,"lon":10.312944,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/H_329_-_Carthage,_gold,_1.90g_(230-220_BCE)\" title=\"H 329 - Carthage, gold, 1.90g (230-220 BCE)\"\u003EH 329 - Carthage, gold, 1.90g (230-220 BCE)\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E","title":"H 329 - Carthage, gold, 1.90g (230-220 BCE)","link":"","lat":36.847009,"lon":10.312944,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/H_329ze_-_Carthage,_gold,_1/4_units_(237-220_BCE)\" title=\"H 329ze - Carthage, gold, 1/4 units (237-220 BCE)\"\u003EH 329ze - Carthage, gold, 1/4 units (237-220 BCE)\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E","title":"H 329ze - Carthage, gold, 1/4 units (237-220 BCE)","link":"","lat":36.847009,"lon":10.312944,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/H_329u_-_Carthage,_gold,_1/2_units_(230-220_BCE)\" title=\"H 329u - Carthage, gold, 1/2 units (230-220 BCE)\"\u003EH 329u - Carthage, gold, 1/2 units (230-220 BCE)\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E","title":"H 329u - Carthage, gold, 1/2 units (230-220 BCE)","link":"","lat":36.847009,"lon":10.312944,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/H_325a_-_Carthage,_electrum_(320-310_BCE)\" title=\"H 325a - Carthage, electrum (320-310 BCE)\"\u003EH 325a - Carthage, electrum (320-310 BCE)\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E","title":"H 325a - Carthage, electrum (320-310 BCE)","link":"","lat":36.847009,"lon":10.312944,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/H_329p_-_Carthage,_gold,_fifth_staters_(350-320_BCE)\" title=\"H 329p - Carthage, gold, fifth staters (350-320 BCE)\"\u003EH 329p - Carthage, gold, fifth staters (350-320 BCE)\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E","title":"H 329p - Carthage, gold, fifth staters (350-320 BCE)","link":"","lat":36.847009,"lon":10.312944,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/H_329zj_-_Carthage,_gold,_units_(149-146_BCE)\" title=\"H 329zj - Carthage, gold, units (149-146 BCE)\"\u003EH 329zj - Carthage, gold, units (149-146 BCE)\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E","title":"H 329zj - Carthage, gold, units (149-146 BCE)","link":"","lat":36.847009,"lon":10.312944,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/H_329j_-_Carthage,_gold,_staters_(350-320_BCE)\" title=\"H 329j - Carthage, gold, staters (350-320 BCE)\"\u003EH 329j - Carthage, gold, staters (350-320 BCE)\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E","title":"H 329j - Carthage, gold, staters (350-320 BCE)","link":"","lat":36.847009,"lon":10.312944,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Motya_(Carthage),_silver,_didrachms_(425-415_BCE)\" title=\"Motya (Carthage), silver, didrachms (425-415 BCE)\"\u003EMotya (Carthage), silver, didrachms (425-415 BCE)\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E","title":"Motya (Carthage), silver, didrachms (425-415 BCE)","link":"","lat":37.866342,"lon":12.469267,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Motya_(Carthage),_silver,_didrachms_(415-405_BCE)\" title=\"Motya (Carthage), silver, didrachms (415-405 BCE)\"\u003EMotya (Carthage), silver, didrachms (415-405 BCE)\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E","title":"Motya (Carthage), silver, didrachms (415-405 BCE)","link":"","lat":37.866342,"lon":12.469267,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Motya_(Carthage),_silver,_didrachms_(405-397_BCE)\" title=\"Motya (Carthage), silver, didrachms (405-397 BCE)\"\u003EMotya (Carthage), silver, didrachms (405-397 BCE)\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E","title":"Motya (Carthage), silver, didrachms (405-397 BCE)","link":"","lat":37.866342,"lon":12.469267,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Motya_(Carthage),_silver,_tetradrachms_(405-397_BCE)\" title=\"Motya (Carthage), silver, tetradrachms (405-397 BCE)\"\u003EMotya (Carthage), silver, tetradrachms (405-397 BCE)\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E","title":"Motya (Carthage), silver, tetradrachms (405-397 BCE)","link":"","lat":37.866342,"lon":12.469267,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Carthage,_electrum,_staters_(310-290_BCE)\" title=\"Carthage, electrum, staters (310-290 BCE)\"\u003ECarthage, electrum, staters (310-290 BCE)\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E","title":"Carthage, electrum, staters (310-290 BCE)","link":"","lat":36.847009,"lon":10.312944,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Siculo-Punic_(uncertain_mint),_silver,_3_shekels_(264-260_BCE)\" title=\"Siculo-Punic (uncertain mint), silver, 3 shekels (264-260 BCE)\"\u003ESiculo-Punic (uncertain mint), silver, 3 shekels (264-260 BCE)\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E","title":"Siculo-Punic (uncertain mint), silver, 3 shekels (264-260 BCE)","link":"","lat":37.816667,"lon":12.8,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Siculo-Punic_(uncertain_mint),_silver,_5_shekels_(264-260_BCE)\" title=\"Siculo-Punic (uncertain mint), silver, 5 shekels (264-260 BCE)\"\u003ESiculo-Punic (uncertain mint), silver, 5 shekels (264-260 BCE)\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E","title":"Siculo-Punic (uncertain mint), silver, 5 shekels (264-260 BCE)","link":"","lat":37.816667,"lon":12.8,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Siculo-Punic_(uncertain_mint),_silver,_6_shekels_(264-260_BCE)\" title=\"Siculo-Punic (uncertain mint), silver, 6 shekels (264-260 BCE)\"\u003ESiculo-Punic (uncertain mint), silver, 6 shekels (264-260 BCE)\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E","title":"Siculo-Punic (uncertain mint), silver, 6 shekels (264-260 BCE)","link":"","lat":37.816667,"lon":12.8,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Siculo-Punic_(uncertain_mint),_silver,_tetradrachms_(300-289_BCE)\" title=\"Siculo-Punic (uncertain mint), silver, tetradrachms (300-289 BCE)\"\u003ESiculo-Punic (uncertain mint), silver, tetradrachms (300-289 BCE)\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E","title":"Siculo-Punic (uncertain mint), silver, tetradrachms (300-289 BCE)","link":"","lat":37.816667,"lon":12.8,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/Siculo-Punic_(uncertain_mint),_silver,_tetradrachms_(407-398_BCE)\" title=\"Siculo-Punic (uncertain mint), silver, tetradrachms (407-398 BCE)\"\u003ESiculo-Punic (uncertain mint), silver, tetradrachms (407-398 BCE)\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E","title":"Siculo-Punic (uncertain mint), silver, tetradrachms (407-398 BCE)","link":"","lat":37.816667,"lon":12.8,"icon":""},{"text":"\u003Cb\u003E\u003Ca href=\"/S_1902_-_Kushan_Empire_(uncertain_mint)_(Kujula_Kadphises),_silver,_tetradrachms_(50-90_CE)\" title=\"S 1902 - Kushan Empire (uncertain mint) (Kujula Kadphises), silver, tetradrachms (50-90 CE)\"\u003ES 1902 - Kushan Empire (uncertain mint) (Kujula Kadphises), silver, tetradrachms (50-90 CE)\u003C/a\u003E\u003C/b\u003E","title":"S 1902 - Kushan Empire (uncertain mint) (Kujula Kadphises), silver, tetradrachms (50-90 CE)","link":"","lat":27.58,"lon":77.7,"icon":""}],"imageLayers":[]}
Showing below up to 64 results in range #1 to #64.
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