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Stannard - Ranucci 2016

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Stannard - Ranucci 2016
SILVER IDUnique ID of the page : 1139
AuthorAuthor of the document.: Clive Stannard, Samuele Ranucci TitleTitel of the book.: Late Cyrenaican bronze coin in Central Italy
YearYear of the literature reference : 2016 PlacePlace of publication of the book, composition of the document or institution.: Padua 45.407720° N, 11.873450° E TypeLiterature type (book, journal, etc.) : proceedings LanguageLanguage of the publication: English
CitationCitation text of reference Stannard, Clive - Ranucci, Samuele (2016), "Late Cyrenaican bronze coin in Central Italy", in Michele Asolati (ed.), Le monete di Cirene e della Cirenaica nel Mediterraneo : ‘problemi e prospettive’ : atti del V Congresso Internazionale di Numismatica e di Storia Monetaria Padova, 17-19 marzo 2016, Numismatica Patavina 13, Padova, Esedra, p. 157-190.
LinkLink to further Information:
Worldcat IDWorldcat ID: 981174211 DONUM IDID of the online catalog of the American Numismatic Society Library: 197376
Associated personsNames of Persons who are mentioned in the annotation.: KeywordsNumismatic Keywords : overstrike, roman republican, greek, hellenistic, cyrenaica, coin circulation, cyrene

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