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Ripollès - Llorens 2002


Ripollès - Llorens 2002
SILVER IDUnique ID of the page : 10838
AuthorAuthor of the document.: Pere Pau Ripollès, Maria del Mar Llorens TitleTitel of the book.: Arse-Saguntum. Historia monetaria de la ciudad y su territorio
YearYear of the literature reference : 2002 PlacePlace of publication of the book, composition of the document or institution.: Sagunto 39° 40' 45.44" N, 0° 16' 43.14" W TypeLiterature type (book, journal, etc.) : monograph LanguageLanguage of the publication: Spanish
CitationCitation text of reference Ripollès, Pere Pau - Llorens, Maria del Mar (2002), Arse-Saguntum. Historia monetaria de la ciudad y su territorio, Sagunto, Bancaja, 564 p.
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Worldcat IDWorldcat ID: 491533274 DONUM IDID of the online catalog of the American Numismatic Society Library: 161808
Associated personsNames of Persons who are mentioned in the annotation.: KeywordsNumismatic Keywords : die study, hispania citerior, iberia, arse-saguntum

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