Die Studies
- Abacaenum (Campanian mercenaries), bronze, hemilitrai (female head/bull) (280-270 BCE)
- AC 43 - Eryx, silver, hemilitrae (464-455 BCE)
- AC 44 - Gela, silver, didrachms (490-475 BCE)
- AC 44a - Gela, silver, tetradrachms (490-475 BCE)
- AC 45 - Gela, silver, tetradrachms (480-470 BCE)
- AC 45a - Gela, silver, drachms (480-470 BCE)
- AC 46 - Gela, silver, tetradrachms (465-450 BCE)
- AC 47 - Gela, silver, litrae (465-450 BCE)
- AC 48 - Gela, silver, tetradrachms (450-440 BCE)
- AC 49 - Gela, silver, tetradrachms (440-430 BCE)
- AC 50 - Gela, silver, tetradrachms (430-425 BCE)
- AC 51 - Gela, silver, litrae (430-425 BCE)
- AC 52 - Gela, silver, tetradrachms (425-420 BCE)
- AC 52a - Gela, silver, didrachms (425-420 BCE)
- AC 53a - Gela, silver, didrachms (420-415 BCE)
- AC 54 - Gela, silver, tetradrachms (415-405 BCE)
- AC 54a - Gela, gold, litrae (415-405 BCE)
- AC 54b - Gela, gold, double litrae (415-405 BCE)
- AC 54c - Gela, gold, third litrae (415-405 BCE)
- AC 54d - Gela, bronze, trientes (420-405 BCE)
- AC 54e - Gela, bronze, unciae (420-405 BCE)
- AC 56 - Himera, silver, drachms (530-482 BCE)
- AC 57 - Himera, silver, obols (530-482 BCE)
- AC 58 - Himera, silver, didrachms (480-470 BCE)
- AC 59 - Himera, silver, drachms (480-470 BCE)
- AC 60 - Himera, silver, tetradrachms (472-409 BCE)
- AC 61 - Himera, silver, didrachms (450-450 BCE)
- AC 62 - Zancle, silver, drachms (515-493 BCE)
- AC 62a - Zancle, silver, obols (515-493 BCE)
- AC 63 - Messana, silver, tetradrachms (494-489 BCE)
- AC 64 - Messana, silver, tetradrachms (488-481 BCE)
- AC 64a - Messana, silver, litrae (488-481 BCE)
- AC 64b - Messana, silver, unciae (488-481 BCE)
- AC 65 - Messana, silver, tetradrachms (480-461 BCE)
- AC 65a - Messana, silver, didrachms (480-461 BCE)
- AC 65b - Messana, silver, litrae (480-461 BCE)
- AC 66 - Messana, silver, tetradrachms (460-426 BCE)
- AC 66a - Messana, gold, dilitra (455-451 BCE)
- AC 66b - Messana, silver, drachms (460-426 BCE)
- AC 67 - Messana, silver, litrae (440-430 BCE)
- AC 67a - Messana, silver, hemilitrae (433-429 BCE)
- AC 67b - Messana, silver, hexantes (460-426 BCE)
- AC 68 - Messana, silver, tetradrachms (425-396 BCE)
- AC 68a -Messana, silver, drachms (425-396 BCE)
- AC 69 - Messana, silver, litrae (420-413 BCE)
- AC 69a - Messana, bronze, tetrantes (420-413 BCE)
- AC 69b - Messana, bronze, hexantes (420-413 BCE)
- AC 70 - Messana, bronze, hemilitrae (411-408 BCE)
- AC 71 - Messana, bronze, tetrantes (407/6-396 BCE)
- AC 75 - Naxus, silver, drachms (530-490 BCE)
Overstriking coins
- 925 - Syracuse (AE Zeus/eagle) over Syracuse (Artemis/thunderbolt) (Agora, 103, Dec. 2021, 13)
- 1180 - Messana (tetradrachm biga/hare) over Athens (Athena/owl) (CNG, 118, Sept 2021, 63)
- 1593 - Agrigentum (AE Zeus/eagles) over Syracuse (Hicetas) (Persephone/biga) (Hirsch, 264, Nov. 2009, 58)
- 1695 - Agrigentum (didrachm eagle/crab) over Corinth (Athena/Pegasus) (Spink, 3014, Oct. 2004, 4)
- 1696 - Sicily (uncertain Roman mint) (AE Minerva/prow) over Syracuse (Hiero/thunderbolt) (Hersh 1953, 28c)
- 1702 - Segesta (didrachm hound/Aigiste) over Corinth (Athena/Pegasus) (Gorny & Mosch, 215, Oct. 2013, 683)
- 1793 - Messana (tetradrachm biga/hare) over Athens (Athena/owl) (Acireale, Pennisi coll. - Garraffo 1984, pl. XVIII, 5)
- 1832 - Catana (tetradrachm quadriga/Apollo) over Selinus (biga/Selinus) (Paris, BnF, de Luynes coll., 894)
- 1848 - Sicily (uncertain mint) (Rome) (AE Heracles/boar) over Syracuse (Poseidon/trident) (Ebay Lanz, 6 May 2017)
- 1878 - Gela (tetradrachm biga/man-faced bull) over uncertain type (Savoca Coins Live Online Auction, 7, Feb. 2016, 58)
- 1892 - Gela (tetradrachm biga/man-faced bull) over Catana (man-faced-bull/Nike) (New York Sign., 3021, Jan. 2013, 21470)
- 1917 - Sicily (uncertain Roman mint) (AE Minerva/prow) over Syracuse (Hiero/thunderbolt) (Hersh 1953, 28a)
- 1931 - Gela (tetradrachm) (quadriga/man-headed bull) over uncertain type (CNG, May 2012, 345)
- 1933 - Agrigentum (didrachm eagle/crab) over uncertain type (CNG, EA 358, Aug. 2015, 9)
- 1948 - Himera (drachm) (rooster/incuse square) over Himera (rooster/incuse square) (Gorny & Mosch, 253, March 2018, 59)
- 1976 - Agrigentum (didrachm eagle/crab) over Corinth (Athena/Pegasus) (Kricheldorf 28, June 1974, 34)
- 1985 - Gela (tetradrachm) (quadriga/man-headed bull) over Mende (Dionysus/incuse square) (New York, ANS, 1959.126.1)
- 1986 - Catana (tetradrachm biga/Apollo) over uncertain type (Roma Numismatics Auction, 14, Sept. 2017, 59)
- 2002 - Eryx (didrachm hound/nymph) over uncertain type (Gorny & Mosch, 215, Oct. 2013, 681)
- 2012 - Syracuse (tetradrachm biga/Arethusa) over Catana (biga/Apollo) (New York, ANS, 1954.12.1)
- 2069 - Leontini (tetradrachm Apollo/lion) over Catana (Apollo/biga) (Gorny & Mosch, 180, Oct. 2009, 31)
- 2078 - Catana (tetradrachm) (man-faced bull/Nike) over Naxos (Dionysus/Silenus) (Spink America. A Member of the Christie's Group. New York City, May 1995, 46)
- 2084 - Segesta (didrachm hound/Aigeste) over Camarina (Camarina/Hipparis) (Pennisi coll. - Garraffo 1984, pl. XVIII, 14)
- 2091 - Gela (didrachm horseman/man-faced bull) over uncertain type (CNG, MBS 79, Sept. 2008, 66)
- 2112 - Adranum (AE Apollo/lyre) over Syracuse (Athena/dolphins) (MacDonald coll. 33)
- 2124 - Ameselon (AE Athena/tripod) over Morgantina (Athena/lion) (Triton, V, Jan. 2002, 145)
- 2143 - Alaesa (AE Sicilia/Heracles) over Syracuse (Athena/dolphins) (M&M, 39, Nov. 2013, 9)
- 2146 - Leontini (tetradrachm Apollo/lion) over Selinus (biga/Selinos) (Gemini, 9, Jan. 2012, 3)
- 2149 - Adranum (AE - Apollo/lyre) over uncertain type (M&M, 21, May 2007, 53)
- 2150 - Agrigentum (didrachm eagle/crab) over Corinth (Athena/Pegasus) (Berlin, MK - Westermark 1979, n° 17)
- 2153 - Adranum (AE Apollo/lyre) over Mamertines (Man-faced bull/Nike) (NAC, 27, 12 May 2004, 71)
- 2155 - Herbessus (AE Sikelia/lyre) over Syracuse (Zeus/thunderbolt) (Bertolami, 3, May 2011, 60)
- 2163 - Hipana (AE Astragalus/bull) over Siculo-Punic (uncertain mint) (head/horse) (Bertolami, EA 68, March 2019, 176)
- 2165 - Catana (tetradrachm) (man faced bull/Nike) over uncertain type (NYINC Signature Sale 3037, Jan. 2015, 30860)
- 2169 - Syracuse (AE Persephone/Pegasus) over uncertain type (CNG, MBS 57, April 2001, 115)
- 2173 - Centuripae (AE Kore/panther) over Syracuse (Athena/dolphins) (Künker, 204, March 2012, 159)
- 2175 - Ameselon (AE Athena/tripod) over Morgantina (Athena/lion) (Savoca, EA 24, July 2018, 21)
- 2179 - Herbessus (AE Sikelia/eagle) over Syracuse (Zeus/horse) (NAC, O, May 2004, 1304)
- 2181 - Petra (AE Zeus/Aphrodite) over Syracuse (Athena/dolphins) (Roma Numismatics, EA 5, Feb. 2014, 138)
- 2182 - Hipana (AE Astragalus/bull) over Siculo-Punic (uncertain mint) (head/horse) (MacDonald coll., 32)
- 2183 - Gela (litra) (horse/man-headed bull) over uncertain type (Agora Auctions, 52, March 2016, 002)
- 2184 - Agrigentum (AE Zeus/eagles) over Syracuse (Agathocles) (Artemis/thunderbolt) (Rusty Pennies, FPL, 44)
- 2188 - Agyrium (AE Athena/bow & quiver) over Syracuse (Zeus/thunderbolt) (Triton, V, Jan. 2002, 116)
- 2194 - Petra (AE Zeus/Aphrodite) over Syracuse (Athena/dolphins) (CNG, EA 374, May 2016, 125)
- 2197 - Syracuse (AE Zeus/eagle) over Syracuse (Artemis/thunderbolt) (CNG, 91, Sept. 2012, 74)
- 2198 - Messana (tetradrachm biga/hare) over Athens (Athena/owl) (Berlin, MK, Imhoof-Blumer - Garraffo 1984, pl. XVIII, 7)
- 2201 - Syracuse (AE Zeus/eagle) over Syracuse (Artemis/thunderbolt) (Gorny & Mosch, 134, Oct. 2004, 1128)
- 2203 - Panormus (AE Athena/triskeles) over uncertain type (Roma Numismatics, EA 47, June 2018, 68)
- 2205 - Herbessus (AE Sikelia/eagle) over Syracuse (Zeus/horse) (NAC, 64, May 2012, 685)
- 2207 - Messana (tetradrachm biga/hare) over Catana (man-faced bull/Nike) (Siracusa, MA, 25072 - Garraffo 1984, pl. XVII, 12)
Overstruck coins
- 922 - Caulonia (nomos Apollo/stag) over Agrigentum (eagle/crab) (Triton, XXV, Jan. 2022, 39)
- 925 - Syracuse (AE Zeus/eagle) over Syracuse (Artemis/thunderbolt) (Agora, 103, Dec. 2021, 13)
- 1593 - Agrigentum (AE Zeus/eagles) over Syracuse (Hicetas) (Persephone/biga) (Hirsch, 264, Nov. 2009, 58)
- 1696 - Sicily (uncertain Roman mint) (AE Minerva/prow) over Syracuse (Hiero/thunderbolt) (Hersh 1953, 28c)
- 1704 - Metapontum (nomos ear of barley/ear of barley) over Gela (horseman/man-faced bull) (London, BM, 1843-1-16.62)
- 1712 - Metapontum (nomos ear of barley/ear of barley) over Selinus (selinon leaf/incuse square) (Paris, BnF, de Luynes 459)
- 1713 - Metapontum (nomos ear of barley/ear of barley) over Agrigentum (eagle/crab) (Noe 1957, pl. VII, k)
- 1718 - Entella (drachm horse/helmet) over Catana (quadriga/Amenanos) (Cambridge, FM, McClean, 2230)
- 1729 - Metapontum (nomos ear of barley/ear of barley) over Gela (horseman/man-faced bull) (Naples, MA, Fiorelli 2337)
- 1745 - Metapontum (nomos ear of barley/ear of barley) over Agrigentum (eagle/crab) (Berlin, MK)
- 1751 - Neapolis (AE Apollo/Achelous) over Syracuse (Zeus/trident) (Nottingham, The Castle Museum)
- 1759 - Terina (nomos nymph/Nike) over Agrigentum (eagle/crab) (London, BM, 1946-1-1.754)
- 1781 - Metapontum (nomos ear of barley/ear of barley) over Agrigentum (eagle/crab) (London, BM)
- 1784 - Metapontum (nomos ear of barley/ear of barley) over Selinus (selinon leaf/incuse square) (Rago 1962, p. 7)
- 1787 - Metapontum (nomos ear of barley/ear of barley) over Selinus (New York, ANS)
- 1804 - Metapontum (nomos ear of barley/ear of barley) over Agrigentum (eagle/crab) (CNG, MBS 72, June 2006, 101)
- 1824 - Entella (drachm horse/helmet) over Catana (quadriga/Amenanos) (Cambridge, FM, McClean coll. 2231)
- 1832 - Catana (tetradrachm quadriga/Apollo) over Selinus (biga/Selinus) (Paris, BnF, de Luynes coll., 894)
- 1840 - Metapontum (nomos ear of barley/ear of barley) over Gela (horseman/man-faced bull) (Triton, I, Dec. 1997, 83)
- 1844 - Metapontum (nomos ear of barley/ear of barley) over Syracuse (horseman/Arethusa) (CNG, MBS 72, June 2006, 104)
- 1848 - Sicily (uncertain mint) (Rome) (AE Heracles/boar) over Syracuse (Poseidon/trident) (Ebay Lanz, 6 May 2017)
- 1858 - Caulonia (nomos Apollo/stag) over Agrigentum (eagle/crab) (Savoca Numismatik, EA 21, March 2018, 15)
- 1861 - Metapontum (nomos ear of barley/ear of barley) over Selinus (selinon leaf/incuse square) (Paris, BnF, de Luynes 452)
- 1874 - Croton (nomos tripod/incuse tripod) over Agrigentum (eagle/crab) (Künker, EA 31, Oct. 2014, 21)
- 1887 - Taras (nomos Taras/shell) over Agrigentum (eagle/crab) (NAC, P, May 2005, 1023)
- 1889 - Croton (nomos tripod/incuse tripod) over Agrigentum (eagle/crab) (CNG, MBS 72, June 2006, 153)
- 1892 - Gela (tetradrachm biga/man-faced bull) over Catana (man-faced-bull/Nike) (New York Sign., 3021, Jan. 2013, 21470)
- 1900 - Metapontum (nomos ear of barley/ear of barley) over Selinus (Selinon leaf/incuse square) (New York, ANS)
- 1917 - Sicily (uncertain Roman mint) (AE Minerva/prow) over Syracuse (Hiero/thunderbolt) (Hersh 1953, 28a)
- 1922 - Metapontum (nomos ear of barley/ear of barley) over Selinus (selinon leaf/incuse square) (Athens, MN - Noe 1957, pl. VIII, e)
- 1932 - Terina (nomos nymph/Nike) over Selinus (selinon leaf/incuse square) (Noe 1957, p. 35, o)
- 1948 - Himera (drachm) (rooster/incuse square) over Himera (rooster/incuse square) (Gorny & Mosch, 253, March 2018, 59)
- 1949 - Terina (nomos nymph/Nike) over Agrigentum (eagle/crab) (Gotha, Regling collection - Noe 1957, pl. 12, r)
- 1959 - Metapontum (nomos ear of barley/ear of barley) over Agrigentum (eagle/crab) (CNG, MBS 82, Sept. 2009, 165)
- 1966 - Caulonia (nomos Apollo/stag) over Agrigentum (eagle/crab) (CNG, EA 67, Sept. 2004, 178)
- 1967 - Croton (nomos tripod/incuse tripod) over Agrigentum (eagle/crab) (CNG, EA 153, Nov. 2006, 15)
- 1968 - Croton (nomos tripod/incuse tripod) over Agrigentum (eagle/crab) (CNG, MBS 72, June 2006, 148)
- 1974 - Metapontum (nomos ear of barley/ear of barley) over Agrigentum (eagle /crab) (Paris, BnF, de Luynes 455)
- 1997 - Terina (nomos nymph/Nike) over Agrigentum (eagle/crab) (Numismatica Ars Classica, Q, Apr. 2006, 1150)
- 2012 - Syracuse (tetradrachm biga/Arethusa) over Catana (biga/Apollo) (New York, ANS, 1954.12.1)
- 2026 - Croton (nomos tripod/incuse tripod) over Agrigentum (eagle/crab) (CNG, MBS 72, June 2006, 155)
- 2037 - Caulonia (nomos Apollo/stag) over Agrigentum (eagle/crab) (Robinson coll. - Noe 1957, pl. X, c)
- 2069 - Leontini (tetradrachm Apollo/lion) over Catana (Apollo/biga) (Gorny & Mosch, 180, Oct. 2009, 31)
- 2084 - Segesta (didrachm hound/Aigeste) over Camarina (Camarina/Hipparis) (Pennisi coll. - Garraffo 1984, pl. XVIII, 14)
- 2094 - Caulonia (nomos Apollo/stag) over Selinus (selinon leaf/incuse square) (New York, ANS)
- 2112 - Adranum (AE Apollo/lyre) over Syracuse (Athena/dolphins) (MacDonald coll. 33)
- 2123 - Croton (nomos tripod/incuse tripod) over Agrigentum (eagle/crab) (Leu - Westermark 1985, 3)
- 2124 - Ameselon (AE Athena/tripod) over Morgantina (Athena/lion) (Triton, V, Jan. 2002, 145)
- 2143 - Alaesa (AE Sicilia/Heracles) over Syracuse (Athena/dolphins) (M&M, 39, Nov. 2013, 9)
- 2146 - Leontini (tetradrachm Apollo/lion) over Selinus (biga/Selinos) (Gemini, 9, Jan. 2012, 3)
- Arnold-Biucchi 1990
- Arnold-Biucchi 1992
- Arnold-Biucchi 1996
- Artru 2024
- Bahrfeldt 1904
- BMC Sicily
- Boehringer 1929
- Boehringer 1992
- Boehringer 1997
- Boehringer 1998
- Breglia 1949
- Burnett 1983
- Buttrey 1973
- Buttrey 1989
- Bérend 1993
- Bérend 1998
- Caccamo Caltabiano - Carroccio - Oteri 1997
- Caccamo Caltabiano 1993
- Cahn 1944
- Calciati 1983
- Calciati 1986
- Calciati 1987
- Calciati 1995
- Calciati 1996
- Campana 1992-2003
- Campana 2011
- Campana 2014
- Carroccio 1994
- De Lisle 2021
- DeRose Evans 1987
- Fischer-Bossert 2016
- Fischer-Bossert 2017
- Friedländer 1877
- Gabrici 1935
- Gabrici 1947
- Gallatin 1930
- Garraffo 1984
- Garraffo 1989
- Garraffo 2003
- Gielow 1930
- Gutmann - Schwabacher 1929
- HGC 2
- Hochard 2022
- Holloway 1969
- Hurter 2005
- Hurter 2008
- Ierardi 1995
- Imhoof-Blumer 1878
- Jenkins 1968
- Jenkins 1970
- Carmen Arnold-Biucchi
- John Penrose Barron
- Christof Boehringer
- Erich Boehringer
- Laura Breglia
- Andrew M. Burnett
- Theodore V. Buttrey
- Denyse Bérend
- Maria Caccamo Caltabiano
- Herbert A. Cahn
- Romolo Calciati
- Benedetto Carroccio
- Daniele Castrizio
- DeRose Evans 1987
- Wolfgang Fischer-Bossert
- Ettore Gabrici
- Albert Eugene Gallatin
- Salvatore Garraffo
- Hertha Edith Gielow
- Friederike Gutmann
- Pierre-Olivier Hochard
- Ross R. Holloway
- Jan Hendrik Jongkees
- Ian Lee
- David MacDonald
- Lorenza-Ilia Manfredi
- Jacques-Philippe d'Orville
- Emilia Oteri
- Valeria Perin
- Mariangela Puglisi
- Willy Schwabacher
- Lauri O. Th. Tudeer
- Ulla Westermark